xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Nov 24, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Here's some No Bullshit Questions For The Presidential Candidates

When you die do you believe you will have an actual face to face meeting with God?

When is the last time you masturbated?

Do you think the average homosexual is normal?

What is your attitude towards oral and anal sex?

What is your deepest insight into existence?

Do you believe that an embryo is a life and that killing one is murder and why?

What is your favorite book (fiction and non fiction)?

If you found out your wife gave another man a blow job would you leave her? (Hillary has dealt with this issue)

If you farted loudly in a meeting with your cabinet - what would you say?

Tell your favorite joke!

When is the last time you cried?

If you found out one of your children was a pedophile would you turn him in?

Can atheists be considered moral?

Would you approve of one of your children marrying a black person? (Obama must also answer)

Do you believe in pre-marital sex?

Have you ever had a hand job outside the home?

Have you ever been in a physical fight? (describe circumstances and outcome)

When is the last time you said Fuck?

Do you believe Clarence Thomas is normal?

Do you believe that the Pope is infallible?

More to follow - any suggestions?

Here's Some Really Important Questions For Presidential The Candidates

When you die do you believe you will have an actual face to face meeting with God?

When is the last time you masturbated?

Do you think the average homosexual is normal?

What is your attitude towards oral and anal sex?

What is your deepest insight into existence?

Do you believe that an embryo is a life and that killing one is murder and why?

What is your favorite book (fiction and non fiction)?

If you found out your wife gave another man a blow job would you leave her? (Hillary has dealt with this issue)

If you farted loudly in a meeting with your cabinet - what would you say?

Tell your favorite joke!

When is the last time you cried?

If you found out one of your children was a pedophile would you turn him in?

Can atheists be considered moral?

Would you approve of one of your children marrying a black person? (Obama must also answer)

Do you believe in pre-marital sex?

Have you ever had a hand job outside the home?

Have you ever been in a physical fight? (describe circumstances and outcome)

When is the last time you said Fuck?

Do you believe Clarence Thomas is normal?

Do you believe that the Pope is infallible?