xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Oct 2, 2010

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Morons Running Amuck

Hey -it's ok - we average folks have many desireable and positive attributes BUT Solving the thorniest problems of practical existence ain't one of them.

AND -THAT'S why we try to elect folks who have the brains and depth of character and inate intelligence and education and experience and track records of accomplishment -To do THAT FOR us.

That's why an electorate without the ability to just fucking realize (maybe when they hear Hillary or Obama or Gates or Geithner -or any member of Obama's Cabinet speak to the critical issues of the day)) that Sarah Palin and that ilk are incompetent lightweights who live in the realm of demagoguery and intellectual vagaries - WIll be the death of this great country. ( Fish die and stink from the head down)

Used to be us average morons knew our place - avoiding that far away universe where intellect and competency reign-and usually did not venture out their because it was downright scary (but also respected and hallowed intellectual ground) - A very smart value system that usually prevented psycho crackpots like Palin and Christine O'Donell from becoming legitimate candidates)

BUT BUT BUT - Now the morons are watching fifty hours of crap on TV every week and they think they are as sharp as those quick witted asshole characters - created by clever writers - that they admire and emulate.

It's one great big world of shrewd and light hearted and light brained one liners -AND simplistic social networkesque answers to everything.

AND - when coupled with the brain numbing novacaine of good ole American Christian Moral and Intellectual certitude - Bronze Age mentality begins to become the disorder of the day.

As it turns the common folk towards a dangerous state of delusional denial that is:

Into a thinking and thoughtful and knowledgeable group of people - Who are still only morons!


Forgetting How Relatively Stupid You Are

Hey -it's ok - we average folks have many desireable and necessary attributes BUT Solving the thorniest problems of practical existence ain't one of them.

AND -THAT'S why we try to elect folks who have the brains and depth of character and inate intelligence and education and experience and track records of accomplishment -To do THAT FOR us.

That's why an electorate without the ability to just fucking realize (maybe when they hear Hillary or Obama or Gates or Geithner -or any member of Obama's Cabinet speak to the critical issues of the day)) that Sarah Palin and that ilk are incompetent lightweights who live in the realm of demagoguery and intellectual vagaries - WIll be the death of this great country. ( Fish die and stink from the head down)

Used to be us average morons knew our place - avoiding that far away universe where intellect and competency reign-and usually did not venture out their because it was downright scary (but also respected and hallowed intellectual ground) - A very smart value system that usually prevented psycho crackpots like Palin and Christine O'Donell from becoming legitimate candidates)

BUT BUT BUT - Now the morons are watching fifty hours of crap on TV every week and they think they are as sharp as those quick witted asshole characters - created by clever writers - that they admire and emulate.

It's one great big world of shrewd and light hearted and light brained one liners -AND simplistic social networkesque answers to everything.

AND - when coupled with the brain numbing novacaine of good ole American Christian Moral and Intellectual certitude - Bronze Age mentality begins to become the disorder of the day.

As it turns the common folk towards a dangerous state of delusional denial that is:

Into a thinking and thoughtful and knowledgeable group of people - Who are still only morons!