AhA - another breakthrough/visionary solution to a thorny and contentious cultural issue of large magnitude! (from the digibandit)
Each major league baseball team would be allowed three players (an infielder - pitcher and outfielder) into the line-up - who are juiced up to the max on performance enhancing drugs .
I mean these guys will be like Drago in Rocky Four ( you know - the drugged up Russian fighter) - they will be as juiced up as modern medicine can juice them!
So - then - we will find out precisely how enhancing these drugs really are - and we will know exactly who is who for the sake of posteritry - And And And :
Baseball will become a lot more fun -with a whole new strategic dimension - and the kids will love it.
If it works - we can have a whole new division(s) of totally souped up - androidic players competing with semi and non androidic divisions - and:
Ultimately - a glorious total fusion between professional sports and human robots!
The ultimate video game - and you know it's gotta happen!
Iron Man beware! -Here comes Bond Man -and i don't mean James!
Baseball will get a whole new strategic dimension and