xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Sep 29, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Will Orbit Earth To "GET IT" - so she says

Palin Will Orbit Earth To Understand Important Global Issues

John (Caspar the Ghost) Mccaine announced at a press conference today;

“When you see how much Sarah has learned about Russian politics and history – from just being able to see a wee part of it’s landmass from Alaska :”

‘Well -- just imagine how much she will learn about Global politics and priorities – by looking out at the Earth from space?”

He stated; “She is a very quick study – and I would say that after her first pass over the Earth’s key conflict zones – Wam! – she’ll really get it --all of it!!”

“I mean we were driving together from the Detroit airport last week – on our way to a Republican rally - and she said to me:”

“Wowee John - the rustbelt - I see it – I mean I get it! –I mean like cars rusting - the auto industry right? - Oh cool! –Yeah – Now I get it!”

Mccaine went on; “That’s what I call - instant get it! - I mean this is a girl who has been living in a fucking refrigerator her whole life - metaphorically speaking of course”

“And” – he concluded “When she gets back from seeing everything down here from outer space – and getting everything? – whoa!’
I sure wouldn’t want to be my old pal --Joe Biden – when he debates her."

Please dear Lord - help us with this one - this is no longer funny - maybe you could just kill her -and take a little time off - your'e working too hard