So Mitt Romney takes a pee break during one of the debates and as he's standing in front of the urinal next to Obama he glances over and out of the corner of his eye he spots the largest dick he has ever seen - i mean it's like a black Anaconda.
"Wow Obama", say's Mitt - "I don't mean to pry but damn you are so well endowed - God, my wife would go crazy if i had a cock that huge!"
"Well Mitt" says Obama - "You can have a giant cock like me - Just do what i do. - Bang your dick against the dresser every night before you get into bed, and in about six months you won't believe how huge it will get."
So that night after a long day of bullshitting the voters , Mitt takes off his clothes - looks around -and Bam! Bam! -he wacks his tiny Mormon dick against his Chippendale dresser."
And - in the dark - from underneath the twenty thousand dollar quilt, made for Marie Antoinette, - his wife excitedly exclaims: "Is that you Obama?"
That's life!