xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Dec 16, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

BlowGuns With Knockout Darts Should Replace Hand Guns


It's dark and someone has entered your house with a gun -now the odds of this happening are less than you getting hit by lightening and while you are stunned from the strike  -someone comes along and Cornholes you -    

BUT (oops)If it Should Happen -Fear Not:

It's easy -you slip into the room and hit him with the knockout dart fired from your blowgun - you call the police - you don't have to maim or kill anyone over some crap he might have taken - your kids can't go to school with your blowgun and mess up the whole auditorium - AND you save a ton of money and help set back The Gun Nuts at The NRA and the gun smugglers -and you can get back to nature with your kids and your blowgun - 

Become Pygmy Hunter Gatherers for a weekend and see how bonding that can be.

The NRA - National Retarded Assholes - Remember This Shooting?

Police recovered an AR-15 assault rifle and two .40 caliber Glock handguns on Holmes; a fourth weapon, a Remington shotgun, was retrieved from the theater. All the firearms were obtained legally. Holmes didn't resist arrest, and no other suspects were believed to be involved.
• Holmes was reportedly wearing all-black ballistics gear, including a helmet, bulletproof vest, leggings, throat protector, groin protector, tactical gloves and gas mask. Police believe he set off two smoke or tear-gas devices to distract the crowd before opening fire. His car was said to be stockpiled with additional ammunition.
• Various reports have surfaced claiming that Holmes supposedly told police that he was the Joker and sported red hair, but Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates refused to comment on the claims. However, at a press conference in New York City, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters, "It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He has his hair painted red. He said he was the Joker, obviously the enemy of Batman."

David Keene NRA President
 assault rifles in EVERY American Home
In 2004 the NRA opposed renewal of the Federal Assault Weapons Banof 1994, which banned many features of certain semiautomatic rifles and certain types of removable magazines – gun control advocates wanted to make the ban permanent and expand it. The NRA succeeded, and the ban expired at midnight on September 13, 2004.[35]

When Was the last Time Someone NEEDED A Gun for Protection? n

 I just needed to Get laid

The point  that the gun fanatics miss is that there are a miniscule number of cases where a person has needed to defend himself against an attacker -and in most of those cases according to Law Enforcement The INNOCENT Gun Owner became the victim AND even then - why would they need a closet full of guns? 

SEE all those high tech weapons floating around creates the opportunity for sickos and criminals to get their hands on them  SO listen up gun lovers -we don't want to restrict reasonable gun ownership - we just want to control the size of your arsenals and enhance background checks.

 Investigators have linked Ms. Lanza to five weapons: two powerful handguns, two traditional hunting rifles and a semiautomatic rifle that is similar to weapons used by troops in Afghanistan. Her son took the two handguns and the semiautomatic rifle to the school. Law enforcement officials said they believed the guns were acquired legally and were registered.

Ms. Lanza’s fascination with guns became an important focus of attention on Saturday as investigators tried to determine what caused Mr. Lanza to carry out one of the worst massacres in the nation’s history.
Investigators have linked Ms. Lanza to five weapons: two powerful handguns, two traditional hunting rifles and a semiautomatic rifle that is similar to weapons used by troops in Afghanistan. Her son took the two handguns and the semiautomatic rifle to the school. Law enforcement officials said they believed the guns were acquired legally and were registered.
Ms. Lanza, 52, had gone through a divorce in 2008 and was described by friends as social 
 and generous to strangers, but also high-strung, as if she were holding herself together.

LOOK -The simple awful truth is that people who fall in love with power tools with bullets are pretty fucked up to begin with -i mean when you think of all the potential hobbies and interests? -These folks are just looking to validate themselves in some freaky nasty way -and there are a lot of those fuckers around!