xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Jul 31, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If Working Women Give Their Jobs to Men -Unemployment rate goes to 4%

 ok -you guys take over
Women should give their jobs to men - eventually ending the whole unemployment problem and reversing the cultural mess we are in.
There was a time - not long ago:

When women ran the household and nurtured their children

When a man - with one job - supplied all the material needs of the family
When kids were watched over and played outside

When kids were not obese and drugged out

When parents were not obese and drugged out

When being in debt from buying unecessary crap was unecessary

When men felt like they had balls

when women felt like women

When kids felt like kids

When Republicans had brains

cc Lawrence Summers -head of Obama National Economic Council

Fat Malibu,CA Tourists Get Tickets for Exceeding 120 BMI

 we shoulda stayed in Dayton Martha
 No Porkers Allowed in The Park
In a first of it's kind local ordinance-Malibu has established a violation for being "Obese Within City Limits".

"We don't want fat tourists in Malibu and none of our full time residents has a Body Mass Index over 112"said Carl Smyth - Malibu's Sheriff."

He said; "If you are a porker it's gonna cost you $500 and ten dollars more for every pound of fat over the 120 BMI limit -so go somewhere else - try Dayton,Ohio -ha ha ha"

"Why did you establish this mean violation?" asked digibandit reporter Elise Mandelbaum?"

Smythe replied: "These folks look like shit and Malibu is perfect the way it is AND they have a huge Carbon imprint."

"We want slender gals like you Elise with big ta ta's!"