welcome to paradise |
He stated: "Osama arrived in paradise expecting his promised pool full of hot Virgins and all the other goodies The Shiite Muslim preachers said would be his if he blew up a Sunni wedding party but said Osama;"
The fucking pool was full of camel shit and the so called virgins were a bunch of fat fucking ugly -diseased whores from Tehran."
Osama went on; "I am the first suicide bomber to escape from their shithole of a Paradise and let me tell my Muslim Brothers - Paradise is a real crap hole -even WORSE than where you now live."
General Pipick said ;"This is gonna put a real crimp in the number of suicide freako pschopaths they can recruit.
"Sure will" said Osama -to say nothing of the fact that while i managed to escape -i have no arms or legs or cock -and only one ball."