Altar Boy Slashes Priest 's Scrotum With Razor
Seven year old Enzo Frattazinni gave testimony about the events leading up to his slashing the scrotum of Monsignor Carlos Putzazinni today in the Vatican -With a double edged razor!
Enzo -”The Monsignor is a well known abuser of children! -Several of my very own friends have been coerced into giving him blow jobs and forced anal sex “For The pleasure of Christ” - As he put it.”
Attorney - “Did you or your friends report his menacing and perverse actions.”
Enzo -”Your kidding right? -Of course! As have the tens of thousands of other helpless victims who have been ignored and treated as traitors to The Church by the Vatican - Right up to the Pope! -You think i’m a stupido? -My father was going to kill the Monsignor -He was a sniper in the Italian Special Forces -And i did not want him to go to jail.
Enzo continues - AND finally we victims of forced anal sex and blow job aggression have a weapon! -A Secret Society of Nuns who are training young boys -Mostly Altar Boys - In how to slash the scrotums - The nuts and Balls of their attackers!” and supplying them with the razors we can hide in our clothing or hair”
Attorney -What ‘Secret Society of Nuns’?
Enzo - Your kidding right? LMFAO -Next question? OH -And whya do these sick so called messengers from Goda who give an oath of celibacy need their balls for anyway - Maybe they will geta their balls back in Hell?
Attorney -”Well so far you are the first attacker and only Attacker? -Maybe you are making this all up?
Enzo -Stay tuned Mr. Attorney