While Sanitorium and Romney are trying their darndest to keep condoms out of the hands of women and off the dicks of men for contraception purposes -The POPE! - That shining beacon of Medieval logic has made a dramatic announcement:
We do notta wanta to hava a spreada of Aidsa throughouta the Worlda -and amonga 40% of our Priests who are gay and might give the aidsa to some nice Altar Boysa - SO:
I herebye stata thata from now on -ina the power vested in me bya Goda I proclama:
"Men canna use the Condomas whena they hava ANAL sexa ONLY!"
Amena and remember no cheating and using the condomas fora you wifas or girlfriends or you go straight to Hella with the Jews.
ps - speaking of "vested" that should come as a big relief to Sanitorium.