The Right Wing-Nuts Are Back in Force – Viva Palin!
Her come the Creationists – the Animal killers and GunToters - the Book Banners and the Homophobes - The Snake Chewers and the Oil Drillers – the whole anti science anti progress anti intellect – stupid fucking assholes who just love and are totally reenergized by:
Sarah the Eskimo -- hick jerk from the North Country -- Annie Oakley on steroids with a bible strapped to each tit – an AK 47 in her arms and a skinning knife in her belt:
Followed by a passle of demented and lusty rug rats and a husband with an icicle for a dick.
“Hallelujah! -Hallelujah!” – screams Sarah. “Get your torches and pitchforks and march to the White House! - “Kill the liberal Frankensteins!” - “Attack Russia – Slay the illegals – Slaughter the Abortionists – Denut the Gays and the Poets and all the faggot intellectuals and greens and….”
And – oh boy - the ignorant rural masses are eating this crap up like fried pork rinds.
DR. Moishe Pipick – head of the World Cultural and Universal Scientific Center For Social research – said today – at a conference in Geneva Switzerland:
“Not since the early days of the Social Democrats and the emergence of the Nazi Party have we seen such a cultural divide in a modern industrial Nation.”
Dr Pipick continued; “The US Presidential election is shaping up as a marked contest between the ignorant bible belting rednecks on the far right -- the hysterical lunatic fringe intellectuals on the far left – and the basically normal and progressive (but really pissed off) and mostly normal -- moderates and independents in the middle.”
Pipick concluded; “And - Boy oh boy - if that Ignorant Cracker Palin ever gets into to a position of power?”
"Oye Vey!"