Jacob Zuma the recently elected leader of south Africa -who besides rape and corruption -is best known for stating that AIDS can be prevented by hand washing - announced today:
"Dis Swine Flu is coming from pig fucking - and i don't mean swiney pig fucking!"
He continued: "It is coming from the fucking of ugly women!"
'I have never fucked such a pig - and neither is any of my cabinet people allowed to fuck any piggy womans - or i cut off their balls - and we do never get de swiney flu."
Digibandit African bureau chief Elise Mandelbaum asked president Zuma: "Who decides if they are pigs or not?"
"I do! - I do! - If i won't fuck them -then they are considered to be pigs! -
And dis way i keep our nation safe from the swiney flu -just like i done
wit de AIDS."
Well - South Africa seems to be in good hands -compared to it's neighbors.