Here's a comparison between the education philosophies at Harvard and the local Fundamentalist leadership school
Learning at Harvard
Harvard College offers academic opportunities to its students that are virtually unsurpassed at American universities. Courses taught by world-class scholars are available on topics that span the globe, cover the latest scientific discoveries, delve deeply into the realms of art and culture and into the past. Harvard College students pursue knowledge both broadly and in depth, intellectually tasting a range of important topics and approaches to human knowledge while they also undertake advanced work within a special area of concentration.
The Faculty's departmental structure supports programs that guide concentrators from their first introduction to a field to greater levels of sophistication, while a number of other academic programs support Harvard students’ broader educational needs and specialized academic opportunities. Students negotiate the array of academic offerings with the help of an extensive advising system that is offered through the concentrations and in the residences, and that addresses student concerns from the most routine administrative questions to questions about shaping academic programs that are right for an individual student's needs. Many non-curricular resources are available that help translate our students' goals into reality.
The recently completed Harvard College Curricular Review has resulted in innovations and advances in a number of academic areas: the Program in General Education replaces the thirty-year-old Core Curriculum with new courses and innovative pedagogies; expanded opportunities now exist for students to study abroad, to conduct research with a faculty member, and to take small seminars in the first year; changes to the language requirement allow more flexibility in the first year; secondary fields offer the opportunity for guided coursework in a field outside the concentration. Additional information on innovations, and more, can be found in the various departments and programs linked on this website.
Ideally, a trained Mullah will have studied Islamic traditions (hadith), and Islamic law (fiqh). They are often hafiz, i.e. have memorized the Qur'an. However, uneducated villagers often recognise a literate Muslim with a less than complete Islamic training as their "mullah" or religious cleric. Mullahs with varying levels of training lead prayers in mosques, deliver religious sermons, and perform religious ceremonies such as birth rites and funeral services. They also often teach in a type of Islamic school known as amadrasah. Aspiring students training to become mullahs in the Shia tradition (particularly Iran) are generally called Ayatollah, or (plural)Ayatollahs. This triumvirate of knowledge is applied mostly in interpreting Islamic texts (ie. theQuran, Hadiths, etc.) for matters of Shariah, ie Islamic law. Mullah's are often shown in western media as being extreme; it can be agreed that every muslim differs in the strenuousness of his/her practice, and belief in the teachings of Islam