Doctor Moishe Van Trang – a Vietnamese Colonel and Surgeon – who treated John McCaine after he was shot down over Hanoi – said today from his sickbed in Phnom Pen – (where he is dying from agent orange poisoning );
“I guess it’s time to come clean about the McCaine incident !”
He stated; “When Mccaine stepped out of his smoking cockpit he was yelling –“Fuck you gooks – come and get me! -He was waving a bottle of Dewars scotch whiskey – and firing his revolver in the air - then he fell –shot himself through both legs and his hip – broke his collar bone – and passed out.”
He went on; ‘I was told by the Air Command to never mention this - because they didn’t want the American’s to know that the only way we could have hit him with our fucked up Russian SAM system – was because he was flying around drunk.”
“Oh – and as long as I’m coming clean, you know that business about the guard who drew a Christian Cross in the dirt?”
“What about that?” – said digibandit foreign correspondent Lisa Mandelbaum.
Dr. Moishe Van Trang confessed; “It was me – and it wasn’t a Cross! – it was a Jewish Star!”
“Landsman” – cried Lisa.