Think -‘American idol” meets “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”
Most of the population (across all demographic groups) is now taking drugs –or a combination of them:
Kids are line up at their summer camps to get their daily doses of Ritalin - mom and dad are taking bi-polar meds and woofing down pain killers and booze and alcohol - teenagers are basically walking pharmaceutical test laboratories - granny and pop pop need refrigerator sized medicine cabinets – and then there are the heavy duty schitzos and paranoids and severely manic and depressed -who with modern pschotropics get along (almost).
And – many of these folks have talent!
They can sing and dance and tell jokes! (juggling, knife throwing –high wire and other circus related activities will not be included).
These varied medicated conditions will provide the audience with a most refreshing and unique entertainment perspective and experience.
Nobody can sing the rthyme and blues or dance the polka like a medicated manic depressive - and nothing enhances a stand up routine like Alzheimer’s (you get the picture I’m sure).
Judging will take into consideration the level and intensity of the individual performers medication (which will be identified graphically in a lower third screen format):
Example --- Gene nelson from Yonkers New York will sing “Im Still Standing” by Elton John while performing a tai chi routine and is currently taking 300 milligrams of prosac – 100 of Valium and ten milligrams of lithium.
Talent judges will all be celebrities who are currently in rehab and heavily medicated themselves (in order to fully appreciate and fairly evaluate the medicated performances)
All contestantswill of course be drug tested to make sure they are not drug free,
Stay tuned!