Whether it's a health or science or social issue -health reform or global warming -or education or election reform - or fiscal oversight -or taxation or even intelligent deficit reduction:
The gun toting -bible belting -homo and xenophobic -anti evolution - anti women's rights crowd is making it's last stand abetted by their lawmakers who haven't got the vision or intellect to see and know what is critically essential for the growth and sustenance of this Nation.
But mainly they don't have the guts to lead their Fox News fired up ideological rabid core -red state redneck constituencies in a positive and progressive direction.
It's a goddamn shame because we have a president with all the necessary character and wisdom to lead us into a new era of prosperity and a kinder and safer world for everyone.
This is gonna be one hell of a fight -i just hope there are enough bright and aware and energized Americans to take us forward into a political zeitgeist where there is no room for a Sarah Palin or her ilk to factor against the bright light of real progress.
I have never seen so many bright and competent and balanced and mature individuals on a presidential team -it amazes to watch a Hillary Clinton or a David Axelrod or Bill Gates or anyone of Obama's team communicate about the core issues facing them and us:
And then to hear the shrill ignorant partisan ravings of a John Baynor or his cohorts -whose only mission is to strategize this collective positive wisdom into a screed for energizing their ignorant conservative constituencies.
No insight or clarified reasoning required -just hit the buzz words - just tell em what they want to hear!
Dispensing THE most horrible drugs of all drugs - ignorance and fear and retrogression!