Nye, who hosted the educational show "Bill Nye the Science Guy," which
aired on PBS Kids from 1993 through 1998, made the statements in
a clip posted online on Thursday, and has since been viewed over one million times.
In the clip, Nye praises the United States
for its contribution to technological innovation, but says that the
denial of evolution is for dead brained moron witch doctors and they should not be allowed to have children.
are these ancient dinosaur bones or fossils, here is radioactivity,
here are distant stars that are just like our star but they're at a
different point in their lifecycle. The idea of deep time, of this
billions of years, explains so much of the world around us. If you try
to ignore that, your world view just becomes crazy, just untenable,
itself inconsistent," he said.
Nye then goes on to urge adults not to deny the teaching of evolution to young people.
"And I say to these moronic grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in
your Tooth Fairy world, in YOUR MORONIC world that's completely inconsistent with everything
we observe in the universe, that's fine, but don't make your kids into Morons like you
because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and
taxpayers for the future. We need people that can - we need engineers
that can build stuff, solve problems.
"It's just really a hard thing, it's really a hard thing. You know, in
another couple of centuries that world view, I'm sure, will be, it just
won't exist. There's no evidence for it."
In the meantime lets stop the moronic - imagination deadening - indoctrination of our kids!