This museum would provide ongoing insight into the great cultural divide between Arab Fundamentalists and us Infidels by celebrating Moslem achievements over the past millenium -including but not limited to:
Keeping the stone age alive and well - complete with the stoning of women to death for crimes that get women alimony in the West.
The enslavement and or subjegation of their entire female population.
The virtual eleimination of democracy as a political institution.
The universal abhorrence and rejection of all things artful and entertaining.
The almost complete absence of a manufacturing OR high tech based economy -resulting in:
The almost complete absence of a middle class -and a fascist corrupt - oil based Oligarchy
A rabid proclivity to use violence to kill one another over irrational religious disputes - AND all non Moslems on the whim of fanatick religious leaders and:
Developing the revolutionary Moslem innovation of Suicide Bombers.
The highest rate of illiteracy in the world (outside of Muslim Africa) which enhances their complete misunderstanding of their sacred Texts -which they memorize.
The resultant response after a tour of this Moslem Cultural Shrine will resonate powerfully - with young and old and people of all ages -and even Aliens from OUTER space - as they stand in the holy light of Ground Zero -and exclaim:
"Who the fuck are these maniacal morons?"
Oh and bye the way -how long do you think a Mosque will stand at ground zero before it gets blown to bits by some redneck who will get The medal Of Freedom from President Palin and become the recruiting poster child for Osama Bin Douche bag?