Art and history? -no! -Science and Biology and Chemistry -huh? - Music and Poetry? - Dance? Comedy? Satire? -Literature? Philosophy? -ALL NO! - Sex??? alternative life styles? Gotta be kidding- all repugnant to these American Christian Koranic Bible Belters. The old as men Preacher/Mullah male narcissistic-my way or the highway - lifeless zestless narrow anti science anti nature brainwashed intolerant repressed repressive angry male dominated fascist mind smothering hypocritical eternity junkies way of -The Religious Zealots and their brainwashed intellectually challenged sheep flock followers
They LOVE LOVE GUNS! - love tribal conflict - love love Punishment -LOVE a vengeful and impotent God (their mirror image) - Hate illegals and blacks and queers and newcomers and the Devil hisself - Love to drink and be fat - love to be mean - and hate and or deny and condemn almost everything that makes a normal human being want to get out of bed on a rainy Monday morning.
But -there IS hope as Mullah Sanitorium and that left over ilke/remnant of America's past slowly dissolve into the ooze of political irrelevence.