xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Jul 27, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Arabs Muslims - Literally - Full of Shit - says New Study on Constipation

   just in -digibandit exclusive breaking news - - Israel May Drop Stool Softeners Over Middle East

 ONE good please Allah
 A  study designed to analyze the roots of violence in the Arab Muslim World has concluded that eighty-nine percent of this group suffer from extreme constipation.

"Dr Moishe Pipick stated " these folks are literally REALLY JUST FULL of SHIT! -- and you don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to know how that can affect your behavior 

AND the attitude and actions of their violent Religious leaders is exacerbated  in a culture where most people BELIEVE their bullshit (oops a pun)) "

"And" said Dr. Pipick -'The Mullahs are very fond of Humus which can REALLY clog you up."

 Stooly Airlift
President Obama responded by saying: "If taking a good dump will help these folks chill out  -then lets drop a whole shit-load (forgive the pun) of Stooly Softeners on the Region ".

Tom Friedman,reknowned columnist for The New York Times and respected authority on the Middle East said: "So that's it! - I have spent twenty five years trying to analyze and figure out what's wrong with these people and here we have it, and NOW it makes perfect sense -- they just need to take a good shit -- especially the Mullahs."

ps  Khomeini and Ahmadinejad have not had a good movement since last March according to the study when there seemed to be a sign of some SOFTENING (oops)