Doctor Moishe Pipick - professor of advanced accounting and audit procedures - who has taught in the Harvard MBA program for thirty years - and which counts among it's graduates - more high level financial executives than any other MBA program in the world - said today:
"Today's MBA graduates are a bunch of fucking assholes compared to ten or twenty years ago! - I mean -has everyone forgotton that GW got an MBA from this diploma mill for well connected wasps and future Shylocks?"
"It's a disgrace! -these spoiled avaricious greedy little brats - with zero balls and character and a total disconnect with honorable and effective long term business practices - without an ounce of street smarts
and practical knowledge;'
"All they know are algorthymic programs and maneuvers to get rich quick - to get into the mix where folks are generating hard won equity and slice and dice a nice fat chunk of "Flesh" for themselves:"
"They are one step below the loansharks! - They trade on their interconnected and personal relationships and secret handshakes and family fortunes and political clout - to skim the cream off the top of the economy "
"And - they always land on their feet when the shit hits the fan - while the poor slobs are left holding their bags full of manure."
"And Yale and Stamford and Uof P and all the other prestigious MBA programs are turning out the same crop of greedy and carniverous - mean spirited and totally unethical fucking assholes ."
Digibandit financial editor - Elise Mandelbaum asked professor Pipick why he still teaches here -with that attitude?
He replied; "It's a gig - and - as Clark Gable said to Vivian Leigh in 'Gone With The Wind' -"Quite frankly - my dear -i don't give a damn!"
"And neither does anyone else in this Ivy League rat's nest - prep school for high level crooks and cheats."