Laura Bush has got to be the happiest first lady in american history!
I mean - Just look at her lovely glowing face - her calm but vivacious demeanor - her natural easy going and mature sense of self - her obvious intelligence and wit;
Calm Clarity and Comfort ooze from her pores - she makes ya feel good just being in her prescence:
I mean- this is one relaxed and confident and competent wife and mother - and has been a dignified and classy first lady under extremely difficult conditions.
This is a woman whose whole existence says; "I have the kind of regular and consistently blissful orgasms that any woman could dream of - and that very few woman attain;"
A sexy bawdy lady who thinks to herself:
"I get fucked silly by the coolest stud to ever come (pun oops) out of the Lonestar State - and he is FIRST MAN in my bed anytime he get's his throbbing member agitated - which is almost all the time!"
So - whatever pronouncements history will make on the Bush presidency
Never Forget -- George new how to make a real lady - very happy!