xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Jul 18, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Anne Romney Tells Mitt - "Christy is A Fat Fucking Loudmouth"

 I need a Burrito BAD!
 At a swank dinner party for her Drissage buddies Anne Romney was overheard giving Mitt some advice:

"That Chris Christy is too fucking fat Mittsy ( waspy term of endearment) - i mean my god Mittsy -you would have to hire an aide to tie his shoe laces for him."

"Now Now said Mittsy" - he has very strong credentials among the somewhat deranged right wing elements of our party."

"WELL Mittsy!" said Anne - "That fat loudmouth prick is not coming to any party i have"

"Now Now Anntsy" (waspy term of endearment)"said Mittsy - someone might overhear you"

"Well fuck them  Mittsy!" said Anntsy " Just as long as i never see that fat fucking loudmouth sitting in the VP's office"

"Oh -and you would have to get special chairs to hold his fat fucking ass!"

Remembering When Jane Fonda said"CUNT" on National TV

Daddy! Daddy! What's a Cunt?
Asks my five year old daughter after hearing Jane Fonda's comment on the Today Show.

I respond, "Well dear it's the female version of prick."

She intelligently responded; "Oh - you mean like the way Mommy acts when you come home drunk"

Yes dear - "And how she acts when she doesn't get her own way ."

But daddy, "Wouldn't the correct English for Momma's behavior be cunty - because it's an adverb - i think Jane used it as a noun?"

"Wow - sending you to The latin School has really paid dividends and you are soo right"

I went on; "Ms. Fonda was using cunt as a noun and was referring to the female sex organ in that regard -she really should have said vagina."

"But daddy - why didn't she just say Pussy?"

Kid's today!