Clint Eastwood blamed his erratic alzeimersesque presentation on behalf of the GOP - on incontinence!
"I shit my pants shortly after appearing on stage and everything went down hill from there" -he said at a press conference in Carmel,CA early this morning.
He went on
;"My wife told me to wer my diapers but with the alzeimers and all it skipped my mind."
He said
: "Those fucking assholes at team Romney also kinda pissed me off with their Mormon pansy way of doin things in general and that fucking troll Paul Ryan kept suckin around like some kinda creepy troll!"
Clint concluded: "Now that i think about it maybe the whole damn country should shit on these fuckin GOP morons - OH and Michelle Bachman needs deodorant bad -oh -and Newt Gingriches wife is definitely not human -trust me on that one.."