xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Apr 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Secret Service Are Pussy Hounds" says Obama

By Olivier Knox | The Ticket – 2 hrs 41 mins ago

President Barack Obama  has lost confidence in Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan in a widening scandal over agents fucking prostitutes on the margins of an international summit in Cartagena, Colombia, the White House said Tuesday.
The president made clear "he believes that men working under such intense pressure have extra large libidos and need to get laid regularly -especially when on dangerous Foreign assignments"  White House spokesman JayCarney said.
"If in fact it turns out that the president feels a special group of Hookers should be developed for the Secret Service Pussy Hounds" Carney said, echoing Obama's own comments in Colombia.
Asked whether the Secret Service scandal and the controversy over the General Services Administration's lavish party on the taxpayer dime in Las Vegas threatened to erode further Americans' trust in their government, Carney said "Obama knows what it's like to be very horny due to prolonged absences from home and intense work pressure and thinks that a Hooker Squad might help Congress alleviate some anxt and to work together more productively"

Obama was quoted as saying; "The average lawmaker up on the Hill would fuck a snake! -I wouldn't fuck some of the women they fuck with THEIR dicks!  -BUT - HEY -you gotta be realistick and satisfy The Pussy Hounds - If not - they will fuck the people!"

New Drug Cannot Restore Depressed fFemale Sex Drive.

Ever since Viagra met blockbuster success in 1998, the drug industry has sought a similar pill for women.

An image on the Boehringer Web site about depressed sexual desire.
David Goldman/AP Images for Society for Women's Health Research
Dr. Laura Berman, left, a sex therapist, with Lisa Rinna.

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Now, a German drug giant says it has stumbled upon such a pill and is trying to persuade the Food and Drug Administrationthat its drug can help restore a depressed female sex drive. The effort has set off a debate over what constitutes a normal range of sexual desire among women, with critics saying the company is trying to turn a low libido into a medical pathology

Dr. Moishe Pipick, a psychologist and professor at New York University who has researched the topic of female sexual desire for more than a decade and plans to testify to the F.D.A. panel on Friday, said Boehringer had gone too far with its publicity effort.
“Women’s sex lives are often a struggle, a disappointment, an archipelago of regret,” he said. “Is there a small group of women who could benefit from medical intervention — probably.”
But he said that if the drug were approved, he worried that “the much larger group of women without any medical reason for their sexual distress -but who are married to fat ugly ignorant redneck men and devout Christians - will inevitably be misinformed and misled into thinking that there is a pill that can get them the sex life they read about, the one they think everyone else is having.”

Dr. Pipick went on:"While many experts say that unlike sexual dysfunction in men — which has an obvious physical component —sexual problems in women are much harder to diagnose. And among doctors and researchers, there is serious medical debate over whether female sexual problems are treatable with drugs. Some doctors advocate psychotherapy or counseling, while others have prescribed hormonal drugs approved for other uses."

Pipick stated: :There is also debate over how widespread hypoactive sexual desire disorder actually is among women. -But in my forty years of analyzing what i call "Frigid Women":
:The solution is for them to find a successful Jewish man and have some Chinese take out -and two or three martinis -and watch some porno -and eat some dark chocolate