xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: 03/01/2016 - 04/01/2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Trump Supporters will all be Dead Soon! - Last Gasp for These Idiot!


"What is going on, then, with death rates for middle-aged whites? Case and Deaton aren't sure, but they argued that alcohol abuse, suicides and the opioid epidemic have something to do with it. The rate of fatal "poisonings" for instance — a category that includes drug overdoses — more than tripled among middle-aged whites since 2000."

 not much time left

The Digibandit: Toilet Paper would be a Start!

The Digibandit: Toilet Paper would be a Start!: Americans have Dogs and Cats and Drugs and Booze and TV and Toys and Sex and Hookers and Comedy and Art and Music and Air Conditioning and ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Truth Hurts!

Sweeping statements that free trade = lost income and jobs simply feed the populist dogma sweeping this nation. The lack of growth in middle class take home pay is linked increase in domestic healthcare costs not foreign trade (healthcare cost increases have been largely borne the employer and therefore not counted as part of take home pay). There is a myth that jobs would stay in the US if we simply erected trade barriers and that we can dictate the economy of the world. False. The world economy has moved away from unskilled manufacturing ("blue collar America") to high skilled jobs. American will not maintain its leadership by trying to protect and overpay unskilled labor. High pay jobs require a skilled workforce. 

30 years ago a high school graduate earned only 25% less than a college grad. Today, it's 80% less. Only 30% of US has a four year degree. This is the source of income disparity and pandering to people with promises that we ignore the basic need for a higher skilled workforce may keep a few more people employed today at the cost of leaving your children and the economy burdened by an uncompetitive US workforce that will earn less in the future. You don't improve wages by capping people's opportunity.

Josh Billings
"A) I honestly beleave it iz better tew know nothing than two know what ain’t so.
B) Wisdum don’t konsist in knowing more that iz new, but in knowing less that iz false."

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Digibandit: Toilet Paper would be a Start!

The Digibandit: Toilet Paper would be a Start!: Americans have Dogs and Cats and Drugs and Booze and TV and Toys and Sex and Hookers and Comedy and Art and Music and Air Conditioning and ...

The Digibandit: Toilet Paper would be a Start!

The Digibandit: Toilet Paper would be a Start!: Americans have Dogs and Cats and Drugs and Booze and TV and Toys and Sex and Hookers and Comedy and Art and Music and Air Conditioning and ...

Great Oral Sex is the key to My Longevity! - Israel Kristal World's Oldest Man

My wife Becky can  suck the chrome off a trailer hitch
i also make a mean chicken soup

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Toilet Paper would be a Start!

Americans have Dogs and Cats and Drugs and Booze and TV and Toys and Sex and Hookers and Comedy and Art and Music and Air Conditioning and Toilet Paper and Amazon and Apple and Guns!

What do these Islamist assholes have?

The Digibandit: Stop Them in The Womb! - 50% of all White Christia...

The Digibandit: Stop Them in The Womb! - 50% of all White Christia...: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/04/opinion/campaign-stops/the-beast-is-us.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-headin...

Thank You God and Jesus Christ for sending us Donny and Teddy - AND Destroying The GOP

 I WAS an Atheist -BUT Now I am Saved!

“At some point, we have to deal with the fact that there are at least two candidates who could utterly destroy the Republican bench for a generation if they became the nominee,” said Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “We’d be hard-pressed to elect a Republican dogcatcher north of the Mason-Dixon or west of the Mississippi.”

 Teddy was right about the power of prayer

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Nancy Reagan leaves Suicide Note! - Ronnie asked her to join him! - Cannot watch Trump alone!

 Ronnie has called out to me to join him!

 "Ronnie told me that he wished he could kill himself because of his torture watching American Republicans turn into morons and follow a maniac down the road of political suicide.

It will be a great relief to join him and leave those GOP defectives and their moronic followers behind me!"

 PS -Ronnie said last night:

"Donald Trump is the biggest horses ass he had ever seen  on two legs."

"Hurry - I need you!"

The Digibandit: The Bug People have crawled out from under their R...

The Digibandit: The Bug People have crawled out from under their R...: A campaign rally for Donald J. Trump in Radford, Va., on Monday. The candidate is expected to do well today, Super Tuesday.  The Tru...

The Digibandit: Stop Them in The Womb! - 50% of all White Christia...

The Digibandit: Stop Them in The Womb! - 50% of all White Christia...: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/04/opinion/campaign-stops/the-beast-is-us.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-headin...

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

New In-Space Masturbation Record set by Scott Kelly - Beats (pun) Yuri Gargonin by 300 Ejaculations!

 this is the palm that did the work

There are many ways to measure Mr. Kelly’s nearly yearlong mission. Among them, he traveled 143,846,525 miles, worked on more than 400 experiments and logged about 650 miles on a treadmill. 

AND masturbated 1,250 times!

 Congratulations to Scott Kelly  -He is now champion space masturbator

Osama Bin Laden was Masturbating when The Seals killed him!

American officials have said that a team of Navy SEALs seized letters, spreadsheets, books and pornography.

 Western Women rejected me

Investigators recovered a "fairly extensive" cache of "modern, electronically recorded" pornography from Osama bin Laden's compound, according to Reuters. Considered in concert with the fact that he also reportedly had natural boner juice on hand, one can reasonably conclude that bin Laden spent the balance of his time on the run jackin' it.

The Bug People have crawled out from under their Rocks!

A campaign rally for Donald J. Trump in Radford, Va., on Monday. The candidate is expected to do well today, Super Tuesday. 

The Trump Bugs