There are roughly 35 million white - mostly well enough off christians - who are intrinsically without any core values beyond 'more" "more now" and their xenophobia and racism "white people made this country great" horseshit! --- AND ( boo hoo hoo) How they're being threatened by the "wimpy progressive policies of the libtards."
AND the majority of Americans are in shock that a dangerous imbecile has managed to figure out easy it was to get these mostly older white uneducated regressives to fall in love with him. - AND how easily the GOP capitulated if not rejoiced in his ascendancy
Forget all the meta psycho socio demo despair rhetoric about how this all happened! -Keep it simple stupid!
Extreme capitalism married to a unified core of volk with no moral or ethical center was guaranteed to inevitably produce this kind of political nadir/dystopia.
The old white conservatives along with their demagogues in the
churches are right!
Their days ARE almost over.
The progressives WILL win !
Hopefully? (charitably) The young and multi colored - The multi gendered - The educated elite -The new and progressive enlightened:
Will grant them a guaranteed living wage and universal health care in return for their guns. (as they slide into oblivion)