xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: 03/01/2023 - 04/01/2023

Saturday, March 25, 2023

ChatGPT - another effective tool for the conservatives to control their sheep!

                                       ChatGPT - Live the Questions


 This is all hysterical thinking!

There is a huge difference between a scientist using the vast - heretofore inaccessible data without generative AI  to probe the possibilities of uncovering the folding of a protein which could potentially cure a form of cancer AND the right wing oafs and autocrats who see this technology as a more effective way to deliver political and cultural (and religious) brainwashing and propaganda - Further enhancing their ability to corral their core constituencies in a final desperate effort to halt the  fading influence of their political power over these rural red state ignorant sheep!

These idiots already have unlimited access (fox news distortions --social media algorithms that cater to their cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias and of course their same schmuck neighbors in their tribal enclaves)

AND there  IS a glaring red light flashing “WTF” for anyone with half a brain to distinguish between conservative right wing aggregated  content designed strategically for their already mentally limited targeted audience  AND information derivative from the massive accumulated knowledge of normal thoughtful truth seekers and purveyors -scientists and philosophers and those who rely on facts and research and the common and heuristically savvy folks of all types who mix and share in their daily multi stimulative environments.

(Live the Questions)

For these ever inquisitive average human beings AI is an amazing research resource to expand their consciousness and communication skills  (for the scientists and engineers and doctors et. al. it will provide unlimited access to new tools to improve all our lives)

AND yes! -For the deplorable oafs it WILL BE an enhanced weapon in the tool box of their manipulators BUT  these poor self hating - esteem damaged - miserable schmucks are already dying out from self inflicted wounds.

SO celebrate this new  AI Awokening and remember what Rainer Maria Rilke said -Live the Questions!

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

AND fight the schmucks 24/7 -You know who they are!
