Hooray for the little woman! - Congrats to all the modern gals! - Three cheers for all the chicks and liberated babes!
Goodbye sexual inequality - so long job discrimination - adios traditionally stereotypical - and opressive behavior models for the girlies!
Welcome to the beginning of the "Dickless Male" era.
Yep - it didn't take long for Darwin's -"Descent with modification -and survival of the fittest" process to kick in:
"The new "Dickless Male" -with his reduced sex drive and balls free mind set and physiognomy will be biologically prepared for life in the fast evolving revolutionary epoch of the "Super Cunts." -said Dr. Moshe Pipick - head evolutionary biologist with the Universal Darwinian Institute - in Berne, Switzerland.
He stated; "Some men are beginning to react to the "Super Cunt" emergemce by becoming emotionally destabilized and are beginning to engage in violent anti - cunty behavior."
"This behavior which threatens the survival of the human race is resulting in an enhanced genetic pool of males who have lower testosterone levels ( with smaller dicks and balls) and who adapt to the Super Cunts without destroying them." - said Dr. Pipick.
Bandit biology reporter - Marta Goldberg asked Dr. Pipick:
"But won't the new "Dickless Males" be unable to conjugate with the "Super Cunts"? - therebye thwarting evolution and the survival of the species?"
The Dr. replied' " Excellent point and that will be true over time - during which the "Super Cunts" will evolve into egg layers."
Chicks will Rule! -- At last!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
captured Muslim Terror Suspects Should Be Tortured By Nagging American Wives
Muslims treat their women like dogs! - As a result they have NO idea how viscious a nagging wife can be -especially a good old fashioned average "American Nagging Wife"(i don't include girlfriend nagging (just as viscious) because Muslims don't have girlfriends - that would imply courtship and options for the women)
So you put a suspected Arab terrorist in a room for one hour with a nagging American wife and they will be screaming; "Hey - no fair - i was supposed to get waterboarded - please Allah - kill me -please stop her! -ok ok the bomb maker is....."
Oh - and that's just your average run of the mill American nagging wife. For really hard cases we bring in maybe a Jewish wife whose husband hasn't touched her in five years because she gained ninety pounds since the wedding and all he hears after a sixteen hour day in the jewelry exchange is:
"Morris -you failure -you weak piece of shit -where have you been - I'm late for mahjong - i should have married Abe - he's a doctor -he lives in Scarsdale - he still has hair ......."
Well - you know the drill.You put this viscious nagging Jewess in a room with Al Zaweirdi - he'll give you Osama's address and private telephone number in twenty minutes -maybe less?Remember -these lucky dogs have NEVER been nagged by a woman .
If a Muslim woman were to say even; "Mamood - i think maybe you should tale a bath -it's been six months -whaddya think?" - then - in the morning she would be in the town square trying to dodge an avalanche of stones -andd that would be a relief after what Mamood would put her through -and the children too.
Imagine if your average American nagging wife laid into him with; -- "Mamood -you stinky failure of a shit husband - you weak hunk of crap - why don't you DO Something - why don't we ever go out -why don't you touch me - you worm - where have you been - your friends are all you care about - you eat too much - lose some weight -for God's sake get a raise - turn off the ball game - help with the children - what's wrong with you - see a psychiatrist - stay out of that smelly Mosque with your faggy friends ......"
At this point Mamood would be writing down the location of every house in Sadr City with munitions in it -and then he'd eagerly rat out his son and his brothers.
C'mon you CIA guys - give it a try - you know I'm right - use one of YOUR wives.
So you put a suspected Arab terrorist in a room for one hour with a nagging American wife and they will be screaming; "Hey - no fair - i was supposed to get waterboarded - please Allah - kill me -please stop her! -ok ok the bomb maker is....."
Oh - and that's just your average run of the mill American nagging wife. For really hard cases we bring in maybe a Jewish wife whose husband hasn't touched her in five years because she gained ninety pounds since the wedding and all he hears after a sixteen hour day in the jewelry exchange is:
"Morris -you failure -you weak piece of shit -where have you been - I'm late for mahjong - i should have married Abe - he's a doctor -he lives in Scarsdale - he still has hair ......."
Well - you know the drill.You put this viscious nagging Jewess in a room with Al Zaweirdi - he'll give you Osama's address and private telephone number in twenty minutes -maybe less?Remember -these lucky dogs have NEVER been nagged by a woman .
If a Muslim woman were to say even; "Mamood - i think maybe you should tale a bath -it's been six months -whaddya think?" - then - in the morning she would be in the town square trying to dodge an avalanche of stones -andd that would be a relief after what Mamood would put her through -and the children too.
Imagine if your average American nagging wife laid into him with; -- "Mamood -you stinky failure of a shit husband - you weak hunk of crap - why don't you DO Something - why don't we ever go out -why don't you touch me - you worm - where have you been - your friends are all you care about - you eat too much - lose some weight -for God's sake get a raise - turn off the ball game - help with the children - what's wrong with you - see a psychiatrist - stay out of that smelly Mosque with your faggy friends ......"
At this point Mamood would be writing down the location of every house in Sadr City with munitions in it -and then he'd eagerly rat out his son and his brothers.
C'mon you CIA guys - give it a try - you know I'm right - use one of YOUR wives.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
John Mccaine Challenges Obama To Fight - Calls Him A Pussy
"Iv'e had enough of this twerpy faggots wussy bullshit!" -McCaine was overheard exclaiming to his wife Cyndy - who replied:
"Well John - why don't you just kick his black ass - and show the American people that youv'e still got more nuts at seventy eight than he has at twenty one"
Said a very pissed off Mccaine - "Fuck sakes Cyn - where have you been? - I am seventy five and he is twenty four - don't we have enough problems without you fucking up the math?"
"But your'e right - I'll get him in the ring and knock his dick off in one round - and then folks will see that the only thing he should command is a girl scout troop."
He continued; "Hell -- Jesse Jackson thinks he's an arrogant twerp - and the Rev Sharpton told me he thinks he takes it in the ass!"
"Oooh Lordy !" -exclaimed Cyndy"
I've got McCaine in two.
"Well John - why don't you just kick his black ass - and show the American people that youv'e still got more nuts at seventy eight than he has at twenty one"
Said a very pissed off Mccaine - "Fuck sakes Cyn - where have you been? - I am seventy five and he is twenty four - don't we have enough problems without you fucking up the math?"
"But your'e right - I'll get him in the ring and knock his dick off in one round - and then folks will see that the only thing he should command is a girl scout troop."
He continued; "Hell -- Jesse Jackson thinks he's an arrogant twerp - and the Rev Sharpton told me he thinks he takes it in the ass!"
"Oooh Lordy !" -exclaimed Cyndy"
I've got McCaine in two.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
President To Use Hollwood Talent To Stop Islamofascism
Now listen up Mr. President because the digibandit is gonna save your legacy and maybe the whole darn world!
You get Steven Spielberg - Peter Jackson - James Cameron - David Copperfield and George Lucas in a room together.You then say to them; " You represent the state of the art in the Imagination Industry --you know what i mean -- using tricks and bullshit to influence lotsa folks -heh - heh -heh!"
"We want you to produce and project over the night skies around the Middle East; an image of the Prophet Muhammad delivering a message -and to make that message totally realistic and powerful and believable" "
"And -- you will state the message as follows:""Hello it's me -- Mohammad! -- I'm speaking directly on behalf of your God - Allah - and effective immediately you must stop the Intifada against all non Muslims and become their friends ."
" Furthermore -- You will also stop killing your Muslim brothers -- enough is enough with your insane misinterpretations of the Koran." -
The message will then conclude as follows:"Right now there are a shitload of Muslim suicide bombers up to their necks in pig shit for all Eternity and screaming 24/7 -- "What happened to the fucking Virgins and Paradise ypu promised me?"
Mr. President. you must remind this esteemed creative team that; "These folks are mostly ignorant and illiterate and miserable and filthy and angry and superstitious and completely at the mercy of their religious leaders who exploit them - kinda like the Catholic Church for most of it's history (heh heh)"
"And -- when the Muslim masses see the image you Hollywood creative and technical geniuses will create and project over the Arab world -- their Mullahs can scream Fake! Fake! till the cows come home -- our problems will be over!"
"And you will all receive The medal Of Freedom -- And finally, don't forget to say; "Now let's call in the media and keep a tight National security lid on this world saving project -- And by the way - your next assignment will be the return of Jesus Christ!"
"Good luck boys! --Thanks bandit!"
You get Steven Spielberg - Peter Jackson - James Cameron - David Copperfield and George Lucas in a room together.You then say to them; " You represent the state of the art in the Imagination Industry --you know what i mean -- using tricks and bullshit to influence lotsa folks -heh - heh -heh!"
"We want you to produce and project over the night skies around the Middle East; an image of the Prophet Muhammad delivering a message -and to make that message totally realistic and powerful and believable" "
"And -- you will state the message as follows:""Hello it's me -- Mohammad! -- I'm speaking directly on behalf of your God - Allah - and effective immediately you must stop the Intifada against all non Muslims and become their friends ."
" Furthermore -- You will also stop killing your Muslim brothers -- enough is enough with your insane misinterpretations of the Koran." -
The message will then conclude as follows:"Right now there are a shitload of Muslim suicide bombers up to their necks in pig shit for all Eternity and screaming 24/7 -- "What happened to the fucking Virgins and Paradise ypu promised me?"
Mr. President. you must remind this esteemed creative team that; "These folks are mostly ignorant and illiterate and miserable and filthy and angry and superstitious and completely at the mercy of their religious leaders who exploit them - kinda like the Catholic Church for most of it's history (heh heh)"
"And -- when the Muslim masses see the image you Hollywood creative and technical geniuses will create and project over the Arab world -- their Mullahs can scream Fake! Fake! till the cows come home -- our problems will be over!"
"And you will all receive The medal Of Freedom -- And finally, don't forget to say; "Now let's call in the media and keep a tight National security lid on this world saving project -- And by the way - your next assignment will be the return of Jesus Christ!"
"Good luck boys! --Thanks bandit!"
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Homelesness - War - Plague - Famine - Terror - Great For Planet - say's Al Gore
Thursday, July 24, 2008
"Homeless people have a tiny carbon imprint - and an increase of twenty percent in homeless Americans would be like taking ten million cars off the streets" said Al Gore at a world conference on planet warming in Helsinki today.
He further stated; " American economic conditions should drive another eleven to thirteen million people into homelesness over the next three years which is a tremendous gift to the Planet."
"And with current projections for world wide plague and famine and water deprivation -- and deaths from poor air quality in India and China -- along with HIV and general slaughter in Sub Saharan Africa :
We think the Polar Bear might just find himself back on solid ground by 2015"
He concluded ; "And all of that " destructive sociological carbon reduction" ( or DSCR as wer'e now calling it) -coupled with industrial world carbon reduction efforts - along with scientific progress --- might just result in a long term world wide carbon deficiency problem?"
"And goodbye plants and trees!" heh heh heh
"Homeless people have a tiny carbon imprint - and an increase of twenty percent in homeless Americans would be like taking ten million cars off the streets" said Al Gore at a world conference on planet warming in Helsinki today.
He further stated; " American economic conditions should drive another eleven to thirteen million people into homelesness over the next three years which is a tremendous gift to the Planet."
"And with current projections for world wide plague and famine and water deprivation -- and deaths from poor air quality in India and China -- along with HIV and general slaughter in Sub Saharan Africa :
We think the Polar Bear might just find himself back on solid ground by 2015"
He concluded ; "And all of that " destructive sociological carbon reduction" ( or DSCR as wer'e now calling it) -coupled with industrial world carbon reduction efforts - along with scientific progress --- might just result in a long term world wide carbon deficiency problem?"
"And goodbye plants and trees!" heh heh heh
Increase In Homeless People Is Good For The Planet Says Al Gore
"Homeless people have a tiny carbon imprint - and an increase of twenty percent in homeless Americans would be like taking ten million cars off the streets" said Al Gore at a world conference on planet warming in Helsinki today.
He further stated; " American economic conditions should drive another eleven to thirteen million people into homelesness over the next three years which is a tremendous gift to the Planet."
'And with current projections for plague and famine and water deprivation and deaths from poor air quality in India and China -- along with HIV and general slaughter in Sub Saharan Africa - we think the Polar bear might just find himself back on solid ground by 2015"
He concluded ; "And all of this "sociological carbon reduction" (as wer'e now calling it) -coupled with industrial world carbon reduction efforts - along with scientific progress --- might just result in a long term world wide carbon deficiency problem?"
"And goodbye plants and trees!" heh heh heh
He further stated; " American economic conditions should drive another eleven to thirteen million people into homelesness over the next three years which is a tremendous gift to the Planet."
'And with current projections for plague and famine and water deprivation and deaths from poor air quality in India and China -- along with HIV and general slaughter in Sub Saharan Africa - we think the Polar bear might just find himself back on solid ground by 2015"
He concluded ; "And all of this "sociological carbon reduction" (as wer'e now calling it) -coupled with industrial world carbon reduction efforts - along with scientific progress --- might just result in a long term world wide carbon deficiency problem?"
"And goodbye plants and trees!" heh heh heh
Sunday, July 20, 2008
McDonalds To Sell Puppy McNuggets During Olympics
Sounds farfetched? - Well the big greedy corporations are so busy kissing Chinese assholes that it shouldn't surprise ya if they agreed to market a tasty Chinese delicacy - doggie meat!
"China, already the world’s second-largest advertising market, after the United States, is a dream for consumer product companies. “For most international brands here, China is the growth market for the next 10 years,” said Jonathan Chajet, strategic director at Interbrand, which consults on brands.
I guess nobody gives a shit about the genocide in Darfur or Robert Mugabe's unabated reign of terrror - or those psycho generals in Myannamar -- all of which the Chinese think is no ones business but their own - or Tibet -- or .............
Oh what's the use......
The multinational corporations would sell their mothers for an increase in market share and the Chinese could sell frozen aborted female placentas and no one would say boo!
You average folks all are too busy figuring out how to keep shopping --now that the financial shysters have just about squeezed you dry -- to give a shit about anything important. (like a boycott of some of these corporate monstors)
And the Chinese are laughing their asses off at us Western pussies who they will soon push out of the front row --on the world stage.
Enjoy the Olympics!
"China, already the world’s second-largest advertising market, after the United States, is a dream for consumer product companies. “For most international brands here, China is the growth market for the next 10 years,” said Jonathan Chajet, strategic director at Interbrand, which consults on brands.
I guess nobody gives a shit about the genocide in Darfur or Robert Mugabe's unabated reign of terrror - or those psycho generals in Myannamar -- all of which the Chinese think is no ones business but their own - or Tibet -- or .............
Oh what's the use......
The multinational corporations would sell their mothers for an increase in market share and the Chinese could sell frozen aborted female placentas and no one would say boo!
You average folks all are too busy figuring out how to keep shopping --now that the financial shysters have just about squeezed you dry -- to give a shit about anything important. (like a boycott of some of these corporate monstors)
And the Chinese are laughing their asses off at us Western pussies who they will soon push out of the front row --on the world stage.
Enjoy the Olympics!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fox TV Announces "Smarter Than A Cock?" -With Britney Spears
Fox TV -- which continues to knock reality show hits out of the park with shows like "Hell's Kitchen" and "Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" -- is kicking it up a notch!
Irwin Bloomis head of Fox development said "Smarter Than A Cock" will pit a male Rooster against an inner city black high school student -- as they compete to "peck out"the answers to a series of word and math puzzles."
"Roosters are quite clever and in test runs their pecking solutions beat the black kids written and oral answers most of the time ," said Bloomis.
The digibandit Hollywood reporter asked; "Are you telling us that a Cock beat a black high school student in a math and english competition?"
To which Bloomis responded ;"Absolutely --yes! -- and that's not to demean the black kids."Cocks are smart and as a matter of fact -- we are considering a reality special called "Can A Cock Beat A Chink Fifth Grader?"
Oh - and the choice of Britney as host? -"Who can handle cocks better than her" - said Mr. Bloomis.
Irwin Bloomis head of Fox development said "Smarter Than A Cock" will pit a male Rooster against an inner city black high school student -- as they compete to "peck out"the answers to a series of word and math puzzles."
"Roosters are quite clever and in test runs their pecking solutions beat the black kids written and oral answers most of the time ," said Bloomis.
The digibandit Hollywood reporter asked; "Are you telling us that a Cock beat a black high school student in a math and english competition?"
To which Bloomis responded ;"Absolutely --yes! -- and that's not to demean the black kids."Cocks are smart and as a matter of fact -- we are considering a reality special called "Can A Cock Beat A Chink Fifth Grader?"
Oh - and the choice of Britney as host? -"Who can handle cocks better than her" - said Mr. Bloomis.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Jesus Died For The Jews Not The Goyim
JERUSALEM — A three-foot-tall tablet with 87 lines of Hebrew that scholars believe dates from the decades just before the birth of Jesus is causing a quiet stir in biblical and archaeological circles, especially because it may speak of a messiah who will rise from the dead after three days.
If such a messianic description really is there, it will contribute to a developing re-evaluation of both popular and scholarly views of Jesus, since it suggests that the story of his death and resurrection was not unique but part of a recognized Jewish tradition at the time.
“Resurrection after three days becomes a motif developed before Jesus, which runs contrary to nearly all scholarship. What happens in the New Testament was adopted by Jesus and his followers based on an earlier messiah story.”
"This gives the Last Supper an absolutely different meaning. To shed blood is not for the sins of people but to bring redemption to Israel.”
So poor Jesus died for the Jews -- and now we know that Paul - the biblical equivalent of Karl Roves - spun his crucifiction into a religion that labeled them as "Christ killers"
Wow - what irony!
but jesus knows!
If such a messianic description really is there, it will contribute to a developing re-evaluation of both popular and scholarly views of Jesus, since it suggests that the story of his death and resurrection was not unique but part of a recognized Jewish tradition at the time.
“Resurrection after three days becomes a motif developed before Jesus, which runs contrary to nearly all scholarship. What happens in the New Testament was adopted by Jesus and his followers based on an earlier messiah story.”
"This gives the Last Supper an absolutely different meaning. To shed blood is not for the sins of people but to bring redemption to Israel.”
So poor Jesus died for the Jews -- and now we know that Paul - the biblical equivalent of Karl Roves - spun his crucifiction into a religion that labeled them as "Christ killers"
Wow - what irony!
but jesus knows!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Aircraft Carrier nets To be Used In Williams Tennis Match
Serena Williams Scared The Shit Out OF Russians At Wimbledon
(first reported at last year's wimbledon)
Those tall leggy Russian tennis players who Serena Williams defeated at Wimbledon complained to the British Tennis Society today; "I was constantly afraid that she would rip through the net and trample me like a giant black Rhinocerous" said Elenya Smyrynosposkayovich after losing to Williams ,whose nickname is Gevaltnegtuckismaya --which means "A giant black ass rolling down a hill" in Russian.
The head of the British safety committee said they were going to install special tennis nets with safety features to prevent Serena from ploughing right on through when she thunders up to the net; "Our tests have shown, said Sir Arthur Cornwitz, that a woman of her size -- with those enormous buttocks and ham hocks and traveling at high speed with those huge black breasts thrusting out like twin battering rams -- could plow through the standard net and take out not only her opponent, but the line referee -- two or three ball retrievers and approximately seven spectators in the first row of the center court."
He continued; "We approached the head of engineering for the Royal Navy and they have devised a protective system similar to the ones used on British aircraft carriers to stop our planes from crashing through and into the ocean -- but Admiral Sir Meyer Pinsky Captain of the battle carrier HMS Horatio Nelson expressed his concern; "Having seen the thrusting power of this amazing amazon on the courts -- I'm not sure if the jet nets will hold her."
When confronted with the dilemma Serena said; "Yep --the only thing that might hold me back is those big fine loin chops of maybe Shaq O'Neal? -- and i wouldn't bet on it if i was you --butt (heh heh) i sure would like to test his burly black ass!"
(first reported at last year's wimbledon)
Those tall leggy Russian tennis players who Serena Williams defeated at Wimbledon complained to the British Tennis Society today; "I was constantly afraid that she would rip through the net and trample me like a giant black Rhinocerous" said Elenya Smyrynosposkayovich after losing to Williams ,whose nickname is Gevaltnegtuckismaya --which means "A giant black ass rolling down a hill" in Russian.
The head of the British safety committee said they were going to install special tennis nets with safety features to prevent Serena from ploughing right on through when she thunders up to the net; "Our tests have shown, said Sir Arthur Cornwitz, that a woman of her size -- with those enormous buttocks and ham hocks and traveling at high speed with those huge black breasts thrusting out like twin battering rams -- could plow through the standard net and take out not only her opponent, but the line referee -- two or three ball retrievers and approximately seven spectators in the first row of the center court."
He continued; "We approached the head of engineering for the Royal Navy and they have devised a protective system similar to the ones used on British aircraft carriers to stop our planes from crashing through and into the ocean -- but Admiral Sir Meyer Pinsky Captain of the battle carrier HMS Horatio Nelson expressed his concern; "Having seen the thrusting power of this amazing amazon on the courts -- I'm not sure if the jet nets will hold her."
When confronted with the dilemma Serena said; "Yep --the only thing that might hold me back is those big fine loin chops of maybe Shaq O'Neal? -- and i wouldn't bet on it if i was you --butt (heh heh) i sure would like to test his burly black ass!"
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Best Torture For Muslim Extremists - Nagging American Wives
Muslims treat their women like dogs! - As a result they have NO idea how viscious a nagging wife can be -especially a good old fashioned average "American Nagging Wife"(i don't include girlfriend nagging (just as viscious) because Muslims don't have girlfriends - that would imply courtship and options for the women)
So ou put a suspected Arab terrorist in a room for one hour with a nagging American wife and they will be screaming; "Hey - no fair - i was supposed to get waterboarded - please Allah - kill me -please stop her! -ok ok the bomb maker is....."
Oh - and that's just your average run of the mill American nagging wife, For really hard cases we bring in maybe a Jewish wife whose husband hasn't touched her in five years because she gained ninety pounds since the wedding and all he hears after a sixteen hour day in the jewelry exchange is:"Morris -you failure -you weak piece of shit -where have you been =I'm late for mahjong - i should have married Abe - he's a doctor -he lives in Scarsdale - he still has hair ......." Well - you know the drill.
You put this viscious nagging Jewess in a room with Al Zaweirdi - he'll give you Osama's address and private telephone number in twenty minutes -maybe less?Remember -these lucky dogs have NEVER been nagged by a woman -- If a Muslim woman were to say even; "Mamood - i think maybe you should tale a bath -it's been six months -whaddya think?" - then - in the morning she would be in the town square trying to dodge an avalanche of stones -andd that would be a relief after what Mamood would put her through -and the children too.
How about:"Mamood -you stinky failure of a shit husband - you weak hunk of crap - why don't you DO Something - why don't we ever go out -why don't you touch me - you worm - where have you been - your friends are all you care about - you eat too much - lose some weight -for God's sake get a raise - turn off the ball game - help with the children - what's wrong with you - see a psychiatrist ......
"At this point Mamood would be writing down the location of every Mosque in Sadr City with munitions in it -and then he'd eagerly rat out his son and his brothers.
C'mon you CIA guys - give it a try - you know I'm right - use one of YOUR wives.
So ou put a suspected Arab terrorist in a room for one hour with a nagging American wife and they will be screaming; "Hey - no fair - i was supposed to get waterboarded - please Allah - kill me -please stop her! -ok ok the bomb maker is....."
Oh - and that's just your average run of the mill American nagging wife, For really hard cases we bring in maybe a Jewish wife whose husband hasn't touched her in five years because she gained ninety pounds since the wedding and all he hears after a sixteen hour day in the jewelry exchange is:"Morris -you failure -you weak piece of shit -where have you been =I'm late for mahjong - i should have married Abe - he's a doctor -he lives in Scarsdale - he still has hair ......." Well - you know the drill.
You put this viscious nagging Jewess in a room with Al Zaweirdi - he'll give you Osama's address and private telephone number in twenty minutes -maybe less?Remember -these lucky dogs have NEVER been nagged by a woman -- If a Muslim woman were to say even; "Mamood - i think maybe you should tale a bath -it's been six months -whaddya think?" - then - in the morning she would be in the town square trying to dodge an avalanche of stones -andd that would be a relief after what Mamood would put her through -and the children too.
How about:"Mamood -you stinky failure of a shit husband - you weak hunk of crap - why don't you DO Something - why don't we ever go out -why don't you touch me - you worm - where have you been - your friends are all you care about - you eat too much - lose some weight -for God's sake get a raise - turn off the ball game - help with the children - what's wrong with you - see a psychiatrist ......
"At this point Mamood would be writing down the location of every Mosque in Sadr City with munitions in it -and then he'd eagerly rat out his son and his brothers.
C'mon you CIA guys - give it a try - you know I'm right - use one of YOUR wives.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Fox Announces "Dancing with The Cars"
Outbidding Spike and YuTv and the Discovery channel – Fox Television announced today that it has acquired world-wide production and distribution rights to “Dancing With The Cars” from “What Hump?” productions.
Standing on a busy overpas of the 495 freeway in Los angeles – Hymen Berkowitz, president of Fox Tv and Dave Nelson –head of “What Hump?” – spoke with Digibandit Hollywood reporter, Elise Clitbloom.
“This revolutionary concept combines elements of “Dances with Wolves” and “Dancing With The Stars” -- in that professional dance teams will compete while dodging cars on one of the busiest amd most dangerous highways in the world.” Said Hymen berkowitz.
“Doing the Mambo in an air conditioned studio is like eating pussy next to Mamboing on the 495 with road raging Angelenos traveling bumper to bumper at ninety miles per hour across six lanes of traffic in the smog and sweltering heat.” -- said Nelson.
‘Aren’t you worried about injuries?” -asked Clitbloom.
They replied -- “NO”
Standing on a busy overpas of the 495 freeway in Los angeles – Hymen Berkowitz, president of Fox Tv and Dave Nelson –head of “What Hump?” – spoke with Digibandit Hollywood reporter, Elise Clitbloom.
“This revolutionary concept combines elements of “Dances with Wolves” and “Dancing With The Stars” -- in that professional dance teams will compete while dodging cars on one of the busiest amd most dangerous highways in the world.” Said Hymen berkowitz.
“Doing the Mambo in an air conditioned studio is like eating pussy next to Mamboing on the 495 with road raging Angelenos traveling bumper to bumper at ninety miles per hour across six lanes of traffic in the smog and sweltering heat.” -- said Nelson.
‘Aren’t you worried about injuries?” -asked Clitbloom.
They replied -- “NO”
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