xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: 03/01/2010 - 04/01/2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Founding Father's Take On Sarah Palin

So - An esteemed group of our Founding Fathers - have been up there in the great Eternal Cosmic Consciousness watching Sarah Palin's political exploits and now they are having their monthly dinner get together -and tonight's subject of conversation is Ms. Palin:

John Adams "This woman is a complete fucking moron! -am i right Ben?"

Benjamin Franklin "Fucking scariest shit imaginable -you know how much i love Democracy but this is what happens when you let ALL the ignorant assholes participate"

George Washington " I hate to mix in politics guys -as you know -but this woman hasn't got a fucking clue - she doesn't say anything but generalities -she's like a Populist Parrot - and ALL those great women leaders out there to compare her to -can't those rednecks see through her ignorant rantings and raving?"

Alexander Hamilton "Wow -that's a mouth full from you George - But hey guys -they let EVERYONE participate in the system now -and we know full well that roughly thirty percent of the population are fucking idiots -they just follow whoever makes them feel good about their preconceived notions -a babble rabble of monumental moronic proportions."

James Monroe "I'm with you guys on this one - she's done nothing - she gets her guidance from a Stone Age scripture - never says anything of any depth or perception -never demonstrates knowledge of the complicated issues of the day -has no depth or intellectual fiber or curiosity -she truly IS a fucking jerk!"

John Hancock "It's scary all right -but the timing is perfect for a schmuck like her with the unemployment and the deficit and that fucking Tea Party rabble -and a black president -and a Republican Party on life support culturally.

Thomas Jefferson " Look -it's simple -If John McCain didn't lend his gravitas to her she'd be home in Wasilla fucking Eskimos and shooting wolves -and the rednecks would never have discovered her -AND - You know McCain must have been screwing her - and she can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch!"

John Adams "Well Thomas we don't agree on much but i think you nailed it right on the head -we all knew when women got the vote that pussy would enter politics -and some jerks like Palin would create a stir -but so far most of the female leaders have been dogs who had to make it with their brains and knowledge and creative energy."

Thomas Jefferson 'So right John -but i have to say that Nancy Pelosi has brains and all that positive stuff - but boy would i like to play with her bodacious ta ta's"

George Washington "Jefferson -we all know you would fuck a snake!"

Jefferson "Ha ha ha George -BUT -i wouldn't fuck Sarah Palin even with those legs -She's gotta be a smart snake!"

Those Founding Fathers sure were amazing!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Rich Play The Poor Suckers Like Violins

The poor slobs in the Godd ole USA are so worried about their guns and zygotic life -and homos and wetbacks and having a black President that they focus their anger on the good hearted liberals tryin to give em a break.

The rich and powerful just keep feeding them the lie that one day they will hit the jackpot and Uncle Sam will grab it all -and in the meantime the upper class just keep getting fatter and richer on the masses' sweat and misery and ignorance.

I mean - the Proletariat are against health Care for all -against tax increases -against estate taxes -against eliminating Corporate welfare (including Mega Farmers) -anything that will enhance their piece of the pie which keeps on getting smaller.

I mean -these folks have about as much chance of striking cultural gold as they do of hitting the Lotto or becoming enlightened.

You Know the Romans had a saying for controlling the masses who were getting it up the backside 24/7:

"Bread and Spectacle" -they handed out free loaves and then it was into the Colliseum to watch the sickest shit they could think of - like Gladiators fighting bears -and Lions eating Christians (well that wasn't so bad in retrospect) And it worked! -They masses went home happy!

Now it's Bibles and Booze and TV and gambling and drugs - AND Misinformation 24/7 and non stop Political manipulation - and a cop every 100 yards

(aaand lest we forget the have nots used to also HAVE shopping -which is being replaced by extreme behavior of the kind we saw outside the White House -and it's gonna get worse -way worse without that shopping high))

You take all THOSE diversions away and the GODD Ole USA would look like a scene from the Road Warrior.

What a bunch of suckers!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Children Are Not Sacred To Catholic Church

Depraved soul grabbing malignant animals - congenitally repressed -they have to be sent to prison -the whole filthy child ruining bunch of them

New York TimesTop Vatican officials — including the futurePope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church, according to church files newly unearthed as part of a lawsuit.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mohammad Using Hollywood To Reach Muslims

Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, addressing a group of leaders in the Entertainment industry summed up their mission and conference objective:

"We will use all our acquired skills in manipulating people to stare at TV and Computer and Game screens for over forty hour a week --- to bring about world peace -- starting in Iraq!"

"Our first mission --using the illusionary magic skills of David Blackstone will be to project a life like image of the Prophet Mohammad in the sky over Baghdad,where he will proclaim to his followers that suicide bombing and the killing of innocents is absolutely prohibited by the Koran "

Mohammad will proclaim "There are sixteen hundred and fifty four Muslims who sit in boiling pig fat 24/7 up here -- who thought they would be boffing Virgins in Paradise!"

"Are you fucking nuts? -- read my words! -- where does it say you are too act like deranged and cruel slaughtering monkeys in the name of Allah?"

'You want to get into the boffing section of my Paradise - Then start being faithful to the true Koran -and go out and hug a Jew -TODAY!"

Spielberg - in closing said "Mohammad is really pissed and wer'e going to help him get his message out''

AND - as a matter of fact -when you think about it - who else would the wise Prophet turn too in helping his people -- than the Jews in Hollywood (irony worthy of Woody Allen).

Casting for the Voice of Mohammad -- i vote for Robin Williams -- You?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Limbaugh Is having A Triple OXYCONTIN Day

Yep - poor ole Rush is really hitting his meds hard today.

A year of hootin and hollerin and demagoguing over the perils of health care to his redneck "tell me more Rush -make me feel gooood!" audience just ended with Nancy Pelosi dancing on his nuts!

Hey Rush -it'll be ok for ya -just spend the weekend in Vegas playin 10k a pull one armed bandits in your 20k a night suite (comped of course) -and keep popping that Oxycontin -and come Monday you can begin firin up your huge moronic following with stories about why we should be lynching illegals or burning fags at the stake - and the necessity of buying more guns and ammo.

But you know dontcha -Obama and Pelosi and the rest of us Commies just gave you and all your hater following one big kick in the balls!

And it feels great!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pope's Balls Should Be First To Go GO

Pope Offers Apology for Sex Abuse Scandal

Confronting a sex abuse scandal spreading across
Europe, Pope
Benedict XVI
on Saturday apologized directly and personally
to victims and their families in
Ireland, expressing "shame
and remorse" and saying "your trust had been betrayed and
your dignity has been violated."

This is what he should be adding:

"And -we will now open up the priesthood to married men AND women so that some day our clergy will be filled with NORMAL human beings who love and protect children and will no longer be a refuge for queer fucking animals who prey on them."

"AND starting now -all existing priests will begin the process of having their cocks amputated to make sure not one more child has to take it up the ass -or suck a dick as part of their religious training."

"And i am the first queer to get the ax!"

Israel Owes The Palestinians NOTHING

Israel has grave concerns regarding the welfare of Jewish holy places under possible Palestinian control. When Jerusalem was under Jordanian control, no Jews were allowed to visit the Western Wallor other Jewish holy places, and the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives was desecrated.[23] In 2000, a Palestinian mob took over Joseph's Tomb, a shrine considered sacred by both Jews and Muslims, looted and burned the building and turned it into a mosque.[24] There are unauthorized Palestinian excavations for construction on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which could threaten the stability of the Western Wall. Israel, on the other hand, has seldom blocked access to holy places sacred to other religions. Israeli security agencies routinely monitor and arrest Jewish extremists that plan attacks, resulting in almost no serious incidents for the last 20 years. Moreover, Israel has given almost complete autonomy to the Muslim trust (Waqf) over the Temple Mount.[23]

Israel expresses concern over the security of its residents if neighborhoods of Jerusalem are placed under Palestinian control. Jerusalem has been a prime target for attacks by militant groups against civilian targets since 1967. Many Jewish neighborhoods have been fired upon from Arab areas. The proximity of the Arab areas, if these regions were to fall in the boundaries of a Palestinian state, would be so close as to threaten the safety of Jewish residents. Nadav Shragai states this idea in his study for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, "An Israeli security body that was tasked in March 2000 with examining the possibility of transferring three Arab villages just outside of Jerusalem - Abu Dis, Al Azaria, and a-Ram - to Palestinian security control, assessed at the time that: 'Terrorists will be able to exploit the short distances, sometimes involving no more than crossing a street, to cause damage to people or property. A terrorist will be able to stand on the other side of the road, shoot at an Israeli or throw a bomb, and it may be impossible to do anything about it. The road will constitute the border.' If that is the case for neighborhoods outside of Jerusalem's municipal boundaries, how much more so for Arab neighborhoods within those boundaries.[25]

  • The Israeli government asserts that the Arab refugee problem is largely caused by the refusal of all Arab governments except Jordan to grant citizenship to Palestinian Arabs who reside within those countries' borders. This has produced much of the poverty and economic problems of the refugees, according to MFA documents.[48]
  • The Palestinian refugee issue is handled by a separate authority from that handling other refugees, that is, by UNRWA and not the UNHCR. Most of the people recognizing themselves as Palestinian refugees would have otherwise been assimilated into their country of current residency, and would not maintain their refugee state if not for the separate entities.
  • Concerning the origin of the Palestinian refugees, the official version of the Israeli government is that during the 1948 War the Arab Higher Committee and the Arab states encouraged Palestinians to flee in order to make it easier to rout the Jewish state or that they did so to escape the fights by fear.[49] The Palestinian narrative is that refugees were expelled and dispossessed by Jewish militias and by the Israeli army, following a plan established even before the war.[50] Historians still debate the causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus.
  • Since none of the 900,000 Jewish refugees who fled anti-Semitic violence in the Arab world was ever compensated or repatriated by their former countries of residence—to no objection on the part of Arab leaders—a precedent has been set whereby it is the responsibility of the nation which accepts the refugees to assimilate them.[51][52][53]
  • Although Israel accepts the right of the Palestinian Diaspora to return into a new Palestinian state, Israel insists that their return into the current state of Israel would be a great danger for the stability of the Jewish state; an influx of Palestinian refugees would lead to the destruction of the state of Israel.[54][55]

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick - Patron Saint Of Drinking and Puking

"The great Irish tradition of acting like drunken morons will once again be played out on St. Patrick's Day!", said Archbishop McRummy today at St. Patricks Cathedral in New York City.

"In the year of the Lord seven hundred and fifty -- Pope Rectum 1x sent a Parish Priest named Patrick,who was a hopeless alcoholic and great comedian, over to a wild Celtic island with a boatload of whiskey and beer and the Pope said to him,'Now these Celts are wild,Patrick, and they worship strange Gods -- they have never tasted whiskey or beer -- so travel among them -- tell a few jokes -- pass around the booze -- and when they are so fucked up that they can't see straight -- convert them to Catholicism!"

The Archbishop continued; "Well Patrick was a big hit with the Celts -- he went from village to village and when he moved on there were hundreds of new Christian souls puking all over the place and pounding the shit out of each other -- and then the men would go home and abuse their wives and children."

The Archbishop concluded his holiday sermon with; " We must not forget the proud traditions and history of the Irish people and the great sacrifice of Saint Patrick, who died of syphilis and cirhossis of the liver shortly after returning to the Vatican from "Ireland" -- named for the Celtic word "Ire" which means "to Puke." And when your out there tomorrow -- acting like drunken morons -- thank God your a Christian! And pray thanks to St. Patrick that you are part of a great drunken religion -- unlike the Jews and Moslems and Buddhists and Hindus and Shintos and even Atheist

Masters Is Tiger Proofed with Pussy Preventive Measures

The PGA and the red necks wasps that run the Masters Tournament In Augusta. Georgia have secretely decided to ban ALL fuckable women from the tournament grounds as long as Tiger is in contention:

Lance Duffer tournament manager was heard saying in a committee meeting yesterday;

"I want this place completely Tiger proof! -It's bad enough we have to let them types play here -but i don't want any white women violated by that black version of Bill Clinton on steroids -on my watch"

When asked what Tiger proof was -Lance responded:

"Well lets assume he would fuck a snake with tits -so no women under the age of eighty five -and they should be dressed conservatively and be nasty ugly -but comely you unerstand?"

He continued; "Now THAT should handle the non golfing areas -but i want triple security out there on the course -that black hound dog is likely to hit into the rough next to some good lookers in the gallery and try and fuck em in the bushes."

"Oh - and pay strict attention to the porta johns out there on the course -he might just try and stash some sweet things along the course for a quick blow job or two."

Well now we will see if Tiger can play horny?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Evidence For Castrating ALL Priests

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican on Saturday denounced what it called aggressive attempts to drag Pope Benedict XVI into the spreading scandals of pedophile priests in his German homeland. It also insisted that church confidentiality doesn't prevent bishops from reporting abuse to police.

The Vatican's campaign to defend the pope's reputation and resolve in combatting clergy abuse of minors followed acknowledgment by theMunich archdiocese that it had transferred a suspected pedophile priest to community work while Benedict was archbishop there.

Benedict is also under fire for a 2001 church directive he wrote while a Vatican cardinal, instructing bishops to keep abuse cases confidential.

Germany's justice minister has blamed the directive for what she called a "wall of silence" preventing prosecution.

Priests Should Be Casrated After Taking Final Vows

They won't need their nuts anymore anyway - and a lot of children will be saved from getting ravaged by the hordes of queer priests at "Club Vatican"

And since the Church refuses to ordain women or let men have normal sex lives - the Church is a haven for fruit cakes who have a "religious watering hole" to stalk their prey.

And -as we have found out - Your local Church has provided a fertile hunting ground with tens of thousands of victims- lots of kids who will never get over the trauma of being sexually assaulted (and by a trusted emissarry of the Lord no less).

And if you think it's not business as usual in the "God want's me to put my staff in your mouth" business - then you must be delusional!

You think these sick fucking priests suddenly stopped getting hard ons when they see a handsome young alter boy? - That's like asking your normal sixteen year old son not to get a hard on if Jessica Simpson walks into his bedroom naked.

So - i say - "Off with their nuts" - that ought to put a crimp (oops) in the recruitment of queers into "Club Vatican."

Oh -and not to worry --God will keep their nuts safe until they get to Heaven.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

You Fucked My Wife Senator Ensign - Now Pay ME

And he did -with a lobbying job! -Now that is what i call creative!

LAS VEGAS — Nevada Sen. John Ensign, an emerging Republican leader who has been mentioned as a possible 2012 presidential candidate, apologized Tuesday for an extramarital affair with a former staff member but indicated that he had no plans to resign.

"It's absolutely the worst thing I have ever done in my life," he said at a televised news conference. "If there was ever anything that I could take back in my life, this would be it."

I mean if you or i fuck a co workers wife and get caught it could get a bit sticky -But for a US Senator -not a problem -\just pay him off with a lucrative gig

I mean thank god we still have some serious journalists watching these assholes or Congress would be like one big pimp hole.

I mean -didn't any of these guys get laid in High School?

These must have been the guys that were all the girls FRIENDS in High School - Remember them? -The ra ra rich kids who didn't have the balls to go for the close - fear of rejection and what Mumsy and Dadsey would say if they found out their future Senator might actually have a cock.

So - they wind up married to some bloodless trophy who is just perfect for their political script and twelve years later they discover -one day -in the Capitol men's room "Oh look i have a cock -and all these hot chicks want to fuck me because I'M so powerful."

There should be a requirement that all future US Congressman and Senators prove they have screwed at least ten good looking women (or men) before they can run for office. .

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dick and Liz Cheney in Dr. Strangelove Two

A conservative advocacy organization in Washington, Keep America Safe, kicked up a storm last week when it released a video that questioned the loyalty of Justice Department lawyers who worked in the past on behalf of detained terrorism suspects.

There’s something truly bizarre about this,” said Richard A. Epstein, aUniversity of Chicago law professor and a revered figure among many members of the society. “Liz Cheney is a former student of mine — I don’t know what moves her on this thing,” he said.

Ms. Cheney’s video referred to the lawyers as the “Al Qaeda Seven,” and accused the Justice Department of concealing their names, which were later revealed by Fox News. -- On Sunday, Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, issued a joint letter criticizing the “shameful series of attacks” on government lawyers, which it said were “unjust to the individuals in question and destructive of any attempt to build lasting mechanisms for counterterrorism adjudications.”The letter was signed by a Who’s Who of former Republican administration officials and conservative legal figures, including Kenneth W. Starr, the former special prosecutor, and Charles D. Stimson, who resigned from the second Bush administration after suggesting that businesses might think twice before hiring law firms that had represented detainees.

While it is heartening to find out that some of the most conservative and prestigious legal think tanks and rabid anti liberal icons have made statements confirming that Liz Cheney has now entered the right wing-nut swampland usually inhabited by Rush "Oxycotin" Limbaugh and his cronies at Fox News:

It is sad to see that a childhood infected by a father who has watched "Dr. Srangelove" too many times and is living the role portrayed by Sterling Hayden as General Jack D. Ripper, a paranoid and an ultra-patriot who believes "The Commies are stealing our precious bodily fluids".and launches a preemptive attack on Russia:

Has turned Liz into not only a very ugly women genetically - but a very ugly character as well.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Why Did God Give John Edwards A Penis?

Or any man for that matter? - And here's the obvious answer:

God has a Weenie!

Yep - knowing full well that any descent normal attractive (or rich) male could and would - hump almost any hot female that walks - until, finally, his last drop of testosterone dribbled out ;

He still proceeded to create men with dicks!

I mean - he could have created - say - a double eye wink as the catalyst for procreation - or a whistle - or a face lick or maybe just a thought - And wham! - She's pregnant! - And on goes the human race. -- But noooo:

He didn't HAVE to create this whole sex/lust/power/ ego/ dominance/cheating - lovey dovey feel good orgasmic stuff to move humanity down the road?

The only reason God did that - and created all this confusion about sin and sex is because -- God was born with a penis!

So - don't blame John Edwards for responding to the uncontrollable urges that were programmed into him by a horny and lascivious omnipotent and mighty creator of the universe - the master and originator of all things horny -THE big guy with the big one eye - Penis in the Sky

Blame GOD - For Sticking A Dick On POOR John Edwards

Iraq Has Come A long Way Baby

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

One Half Hour Ago

White House spokesman Tony Snow announced this morning that the President will not be going to serve in a front line combat unit in Iraq.

To charges from the Democrats that he "turned yellow"--- Mr. Snow responded " Our top Military leaders finally convinced him that if captured and tortured ,the President would give away high level strategic information -- jeapordizing National security.

The President had maintained that being tortured by liberal Democrats for the past six years had prepared him for anything the terrorists could administer.

Ted Kennedy ,speaking for the Democrats said " He doesn't even remember what he had for breakfast let alone any high level intelligence -- he 's just chicken ".

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Ball Breaking Endangering National Security

Dr.Moishe Pipick -head biologist at The World

Biology Research Institute in Berne,Switzerland -announced today

":The size of male Gonads (balls) has been shrinking steadily in the major world democracies -especially in the USA - for two decades -and the diminished testosterone levels in men is now at a critical level"

Elise Mandelbaum -digibandit heal thand science editor asked Dr. Pipick" What are the main causes of the Gonad shrinkage?

"First and foremost it is the increasing aggression in female behavior which is reversing Darwinian protocals in male development - and the commensurrate insecurity among men about their historical genealogical roles."

"So in plain English Doctor Pipick?" said Mandelbaum.

He replied; "Men are losing their balls because of female intimidation -nagging and general ball breaking behavior"

"And how does this impact on our national security in the USA?"

DR. Pipick responded; "Well -for one thing the military -and especially at the fighting man level is becoming less dynamic -especially when facing an enemy like the fascist muslims who have no concept of taking ANY crapola from a woman"

He continued; "Our studies show that Arab men have gonads that are .567 centimeters larger than an American male -which translates into an 18 percent testosterone advantage"

"In simple terms - modern women are squeazing the grape (ball) juice out of modern men -and turning them into fucking wimps!"

Mandelbaum replied: "Iv'e noticed that with my husband Manny -is there any thing we women can do?".

Pipick answered "Stop breaking balls and nagging and acting cunty"

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Blacks Are Too Lazy To Farm

Monday, March 01, 2010

Why Can't American Drug Gangs Do This?

SEQUOIA NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. – Not far from Yosemite's waterfalls and in the middle of California's redwood forests, Mexican drug gangs are quietly commandeering U.S. public land to grow millions of marijuana plants and using smuggled immigrants to cultivate them.

Pot has been grown on public lands for decades, but Mexican traffickers have taken it to a whole new level: using armed guards and trip wires to safeguard sprawling plots that in some cases contain tens of thousands of plants offering a potential yield of more than 30 tons of pot a year.

"Just like the Mexicans took over the methamphetamine trade, they've gone to mega, monster gardens," said Brent Wood, a supervisor for the California Department of Justice's Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement. He said Mexican traffickers have "supersized" the marijuana trade.

Interviews conducted by The Associated Press with law enforcement officials across the country showed that Mexican gangs are largely responsible for a spike in large-scale marijuana farms over the last several years.

Local, state and federal agents found about a million more pot plants each year between 2004 and 2008, and authorities say an estimated 75 percent to 90 percent of the new marijuana farms can be linked to Mexican gangs.

In 2008 alone, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, police across the country confiscated or destroyed 7.6 million plants from about 20,000 outdoor plots.

Growing marijuana in the U.S. saves traffickers the risk and expense of smuggling their product across the border and allows gangs to produce their crops closer to local markets.

Distribution also becomes less risky. Once the marijuana is harvested and dried on the hidden farms, drug gangs can drive it to major cities, where it is distributed to street dealers and sold along with pot that was grown in Mexico.

About the only risk to the Mexican growers, experts say, is that a stray hiker or hunter could stumble onto a hidden field.

The remote plots are nestled under the cover of thick forest canopies in places such as Sequoia National Park, or hidden high in the rugged-yet-fertile Sierra Nevada Mountains. Others are secretly planted on remote stretches of Texas ranch land.

All of the sites are far from the eyes of law enforcement, where growers can take the time needed to grow far more potent marijuana. Farmers of these fields use illegal fertilizers to help the plants along, and use cloned female plants to reduce the amount of seed in the bud that is dried and eventually sold.

Mexican gang plots can often be distinguished from those of domestic-based growers, who usually cultivate much smaller fields with perhaps 100 plants and no security measures.

Some of the fields tied to the drug gangs have as many as 75,000 plants, each of which can yield at least a pound of pot annually, according to federal data reviewed by the AP.

The Sequoia National Forest in central California is covered in a patchwork of pot fields, most of which are hidden along mountain creeks and streams, far from hiking trails. It's the same situation in the nearbyYosemite, Sequoia and Redwood national parks.

Even if they had the manpower to police the vast wilderness, authorities say terrain and weather conditions often keep them from finding the farms, except accidentally.

Many of the plots are encircled with crude explosives and are patrolled by guards armed with AK-47s who survey the perimeter from the ground and from perches high in the trees.

The farms are growing in sophistication and are increasingly cultivated by illegal immigrants, many of whom have been brought to the U.S. from Michoacan.

Growers once slept among their plants, but many of them now have campsites up to a mile away equipped with separate living and cooking areas.

"It's amazing how they have changed the way they do business," Wood said. "It's their domain."

Drug gangs have also imported marijuana experts and unskilled labor to help find the best land or buildirrigation systems, Wood said.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Finally -Tiger Got His Nuts Back

To all my golfing buddies

To my wife, I'm sorry. I fucked up but I'm not changing so you'll either
need to put up with this shit or I'll stroke you the check I agreed to in
the pre-nup....sorry.

To my fans, get over it. Where I stick my dick is none of your business. If
you care....sorry. I don't need any of you in order to make 10 times in one
year what you'll make in a career. I promise to continue to hit 4 irons from
210 yards to within 10' of the hole and drop putts that you couldn't read in
a million years. If that's not good enough for you, go watch tennis.

To the media. You cocksuckers are the only ones more two-faced than I am.
Kissing my ass for all those years and then ripping me every chance you've
had since Thanksgiving. Fuck all ya'll. I'm glad I don't have to take the
time to sit and answer the same bullshit questions over and over again.

To the other golfers. Kiss my cablanasian ass! You motherfuckers come out
ripping me when I've put more fucking money in your pockets than you could
count. You think anyone's been paying to see Jesper-fucking-Parnavik? Give
me a fucking break. I'm almost tempted to give up golf just to punish you
guys but I think it's going to be more fun to practice for the next few
weeks and get back to making you all my bitches.

That's all I got today folks.....see ya at Augusta !....Oh and Bambi, if
you're listening I'll meet you at the Ritz in 45 minutes.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Why Can't American Drug Gangs Do This?

SEQUOIA NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. – Not far from Yosemite's waterfalls and in the middle of California's redwood forests, Mexican drug gangs are quietly commandeering U.S. public land to grow millions of marijuana plants and using smuggled immigrants to cultivate them.

Pot has been grown on public lands for decades, but Mexican traffickers have taken it to a whole new level: using armed guards and trip wires to safeguard sprawling plots that in some cases contain tens of thousands of plants offering a potential yield of more than 30 tons of pot a year.

"Just like the Mexicans took over the methamphetamine trade, they've gone to mega, monster gardens," said Brent Wood, a supervisor for the California Department of Justice's Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement. He said Mexican traffickers have "supersized" the marijuana trade.

Interviews conducted by The Associated Press with law enforcement officials across the country showed that Mexican gangs are largely responsible for a spike in large-scale marijuana farms over the last several years.

Local, state and federal agents found about a million more pot plants each year between 2004 and 2008, and authorities say an estimated 75 percent to 90 percent of the new marijuana farms can be linked to Mexican gangs.

In 2008 alone, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, police across the country confiscated or destroyed 7.6 million plants from about 20,000 outdoor plots.

Growing marijuana in the U.S. saves traffickers the risk and expense of smuggling their product across the border and allows gangs to produce their crops closer to local markets.

Distribution also becomes less risky. Once the marijuana is harvested and dried on the hidden farms, drug gangs can drive it to major cities, where it is distributed to street dealers and sold along with pot that was grown in Mexico.

About the only risk to the Mexican growers, experts say, is that a stray hiker or hunter could stumble onto a hidden field.

The remote plots are nestled under the cover of thick forest canopies in places such as Sequoia National Park, or hidden high in the rugged-yet-fertile Sierra Nevada Mountains. Others are secretly planted on remote stretches of Texas ranch land.

All of the sites are far from the eyes of law enforcement, where growers can take the time needed to grow far more potent marijuana. Farmers of these fields use illegal fertilizers to help the plants along, and use cloned female plants to reduce the amount of seed in the bud that is dried and eventually sold.

Mexican gang plots can often be distinguished from those of domestic-based growers, who usually cultivate much smaller fields with perhaps 100 plants and no security measures.

Some of the fields tied to the drug gangs have as many as 75,000 plants, each of which can yield at least a pound of pot annually, according to federal data reviewed by the AP.

The Sequoia National Forest in central California is covered in a patchwork of pot fields, most of which are hidden along mountain creeks and streams, far from hiking trails. It's the same situation in the nearbyYosemite, Sequoia and Redwood national parks.

Even if they had the manpower to police the vast wilderness, authorities say terrain and weather conditions often keep them from finding the farms, except accidentally.

Many of the plots are encircled with crude explosives and are patrolled by guards armed with AK-47s who survey the perimeter from the ground and from perches high in the trees.

The farms are growing in sophistication and are increasingly cultivated by illegal immigrants, many of whom have been brought to the U.S. from Michoacan.

Growers once slept among their plants, but many of them now have campsites up to a mile away equipped with separate living and cooking areas.

"It's amazing how they have changed the way they do business," Wood said. "It's their domain."

Drug gangs have also imported marijuana experts and unskilled labor to help find the best land or buildirrigation systems, Wood said.

Dysfunctional Repressed Homo's Guided By Psychotic Mullahs -

The perfect raw material for molding a sick young Muslim into a death machine!

-From NY Times -- A Pakistani military psychiatrist is trying to answer that question. In a study of 24 young men who were involved in terrorist attacks in Pakistan, the psychiatrist, Brig. Mowadat Hussain Rana, has found that they tend to be the younger or middle siblings in families of six or more children. The households are not always poor but are often violent, and the youngsters get lost in the chaos.

“He’s that boy who is not in a rigorous system of rule setting,” Brigadier Rana said in an interview in Rawalpindi. “He becomes someone who drifts, who spends afternoons hitting stray dogs, and no one notices.”

His parents, at their wits’ end, take him to a mullah, hoping to instill discipline, the theory goes. The two develop a close relationship, sometimes even sexual, giving the boy the attention he has long craved. The mullah then introduces him to others, men who make him feel important, as if he is part of something bigger than himself.

-A bit of History - In Persia homosexuality and homoerotic expressions were tolerated in numerous public places, from monasteries and seminaries to taverns, military camps, bathhouses, and coffee houses. In the earlySafavid era (1501–1723), male houses of prostitution (amrad khane) were legally recognized and paid taxes. Persian poets, such as Sadi (d. 1291), Hafez (d. 1389), and Jami (d. 1492), wrote poems replete with homoerotic allusions. The two most commonly documented forms were commercial sex with transgender young males or males enacting transgender roles exemplified by the köçeks and thebacchás, and Sufi spiritual practices in which the practitioner admired the form of a beautiful boy in order to enter ecstatic states and glimpse the beauty of god.

Today, governments in the Middle East often ignore, deny the existence of, or criminalize homosexuality.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during his 2007 speech at Columbia University, asserted that there were no gay people in Iran.(don't exist -like the Holocaust didn't)Gay people do live in Iran, but most keep their sexuality a secret for fear of government sanction or rejection by their families.[149]

So - A -We see why the Mullah's have no problem turning out human death machines

AND B -Why we can not allow Nuclear Weapons access to a bunch of insane - repressed homosexuals - who believe that killing us will send them to Paradise. --DUH!