xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Fox Anounces "Good Protestant Sluts" to Combat "GCB" on ABC

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fox Anounces "Good Protestant Sluts" to Combat "GCB" on ABC

Well the different Christian Tribes are going after each other once again BUT this time instead of burning and looting and slaughtering each other by the hundreds of thousands in their villages they are doing it on a much larger cultural scale - attacking each other in the prime time television ratings - AND  what's next is anyone's guess but one things for sure:

It's great for the Jews and Muslims and ALL folks of color who will now get to laugh at CHRISTIAN stereotypes.

Rabbi Moishe Pipick leader of the World Jewish Council said today from his home in Jerusalem; "It's great to see the TV networks finally include the Goyim in their list of cultural caricatures that are fair game for satire and ironic comedy and it reflects the diminishing power of the Church to stifle free artistic expression regarding their phony - "holier than though" zeitgeist.

He went on: "lets face it -most of those holy rollers are just a bunch of  sexually repressed drunks."

Elise Mandelbaum  -Digibandit Hollywood Bureau Chief  -asked Rabbi Pipick; "Well - how would you like it if Fox announced "Good Jewish BallBreaking Wives"

 Dr. Pipick responded;  ""ha ha ha  - i only hope they leave off "Good" and make it "GREAT!"

"And that they audition my wife!"

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