xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Zionists are as Cookoo as The fucking Mullahs or any Priests

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Zionists are as Cookoo as The fucking Mullahs or any Priests

 Hi -I am a fucking Zealot -vote Romney
 me too
Prominent Religious Zionism Rabbi Eliezer Melamed calls on American citizens to support Republican presidential hopeful. 'Obama has proved he is not a true friend of Israel,' he states 

In an unusual statement on US affairs, the rabbi argued that "the true friends of Israel" must be supported both in the presidential election and in the Congressional and Senate elections.

Oh  -and i am a total supporter of Israel -but they have to put the screws to these theocratic bullies who rant and pray to some tooth fairy in the sky - while those who won their freedom and security with balls and sweat and tears and brains did/do all the heavy lifting -as usual and have to live and die in the real world -not some tribal fantasy.

Oh - and that is not to revere and respect The Talmudic tradition of learning and respect for law and basic goodness and virtue that has sustained the Jews since their expulsion in 70BCE from the same Temple they  pray at as we speak.

 Baruch Spinoza
the Jews flourished and survived because they were lucky enough to have their Priest Class oblitered - nutsos like the Zionist Rabbi Eliezer Malamed -and replaced with wise men who respected secular and democratic values -The great Rebbe Scholars/ Philosopher tradition. (Spinoza -Maimonedes )
 it's ok to eat pussy on The Sabath

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