xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Obama Must Prove He Is Lustful

Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama Must Prove He Is Lustful

95 percent of ALL world leaders have screwed around on their wives!

In America that includes Washington - Adams and jefferson and ALL the founding fathers - both Roosevelts - ALL presidents except Calvin Cooledge (who weighed four-hundred pounds and Ronald Regan; who knew Nancy would cut his pecker off.

And - EVERY Congressman and Senator who has ever done anything original or important or of any substance - has screwed around on his wife.

And - that fact of life applies to EVERY local and national politician of ANY merit - from dog catcher to Governor - from Pine Mountain ,California to New York City,N.Y.

Soooooo - If Obama has been uxorious -- singularly faithful to that wife of his? - How in the hell is he going to relate to ANY of his domestic or foreign colleagues?

NO ONE - will totally trust or relate to him -- on ANY level!

And so - when in the middle of an important White House meeting on National Security - or say a World Conference on Nuclear proliferation:

A hot asistant walks in with a tray of coffe - and she has an ass like Jennifer Lopez - and all the guys smile and wink around the room - and Nicholas Sarkozy leans over and whispers to Vladimir Putin "Oh boy would i like to ......" and Obama just yawns and stares up at the ceiling and rolls his eyes in disdain.......

Well - that's not exactly a good thing for the folks back home - we really don't need Obama to be the turd in the world's political punchbowl.

Nope - we better find out - real quick -- if he's a card carrying member of the John Edwards and Friends Adulterers Club - and a red blooded normal male politician who can swap "fucking around" stories with the other powerful boys around the table -- who control our destiny.

Fess up Barack! - Who you been fucking? = Wer'e gonna find out anyway - hopefully that is.

McCaine is WAY ahead of you on this one!

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