xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: 06/01/2012 - 07/01/2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Truthdig Rules

Fox Reality "Are Black Teenagers Smarter Than a Chinese Three Year Old?""

 Black teens are Morons!
 So -Who should be in cages?

 wassup homies?

Mike (the midget) Darnell head of Fox TV programming has announced a follow up show to it's hugely successful "Are You Smarter Than A Five Year Old?"
"Are Black Teens Smarter Than Chink Babies?"" follows on the heels of a new report from The National Education Institute which revealed that the math and reading skills of black American teenagers is at the Chinese pre- school level." 

Doctor Moishe Pipick of the NEI said : "Chinese babies are significantly smarter than American teenagers and gaining rapidly on American adults --especially minorities." He went on,"American's are fast losing their ability to reason.Only ten percent read books or thoughtful periodicals or even engage in meaningful dialogue -- there lives are like a shitty sitcom."

He continued; "Our study shows conclusively that within ten years --black teenagers will be less intelligent than the grey parrot and that the average American's problem solving ability will be at the level of a three year old Chinese -- or five year old Indian child."

Dr Pipick concluded: "The only exception was among Jewish kids who are smarter than The Chinks and tied with Gooks and Dotheads"

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fox Premiers "Idols of Aushwitz" Talent Show

 Hava Hershkovitz

 The Holocaust Survivor belted out a version of Ethel Merman's
 "There's No Business Like ShowBusness" entitled "There's No Uglier Fag on Earth Than Ahmadinejad" to win Fox TV's premiere of "Idols of Aushwitz"

"At their age and after all they've been through
 Fuck These Old Jews
these tough old Jews are delighted to sing and dance  -and Hava brought the house down with that Ahmadinejad parody"

"Coyote Arm" gathering Draws Millions to Switzerland

Men -from around the world - who have chewed off their arm so as to not risk waking the "Beast" they found snuggled up next to them after a drunken night of partying - joined together in Basil Switzerland today -To celebrate their collegial honor and bravery -and to warn "Men Everywhere" of the potential consequences of "Drunken Passion".

Moishe Pipick - Leader of the UCAF (Universal Coyote Arm federation) - chosen for being the first man to chew off BOTH arms when he woke up with TWINS - who in his words. "Defied the theory of evolution" announced:

"Men who have lost an arm in the service of drunken passion - bear witness and testimony to our eternal weakness for "Drunken Pussy" and the price some of us must pay for the dignity of All men Everywhere!"

Mr. Pipick went on; "And while there has been an attempt by the women marching outside our gathering to establish a "Coyote Arm" organization of their own -we can see by the number of one armed women marching - that they have a limited following"

"And - we have it on good sources - that most of those one armed women were the victims of MEN who got their arms mixed up"

"And in conclusion" - said Pipick -"I am so proud to see the growing numbers of TWO ARM Coyote Men". -"It takes great courage to chew off both arms - And we salute them!"

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fox TV Announces "Father Konfessor" -Penances Gone Wild

Mike Schlocknell -Fox Reality President announced "Candid Catholic Confessions" With Father Konfessor -today and stated:

"Fox has got a lot of balls, in addition to being cutting edge creative! - Our new reality show will feature a Catholic priest -- Father Konfessor -- who will take confessions and give penances for the pleasure of the television viewing audience."

"What a breakthrough!" -- "Hidden cameras in the confessional booth will have audiences around the world peeing in their pants (panties) -- and the penances that Father Konfessor delivers will be more hysterical than the actual confessions;" said Harnell.

Elise Mandelbaum the digibandit Hollywood reporter asked him; "What kind of penances will Father Konfessor dispense - give us an example."

"Okey dokey" He said "In the pilot we see Hillary Duff very ashamedly confess that she loves to tease young men and that she wears short skirts without any underwear -- and here's the penance!

" Father Konfessor says -- "Oh well Hillary youv'e been naughty - so i require five Hail Mary's -- And -- ten cartwheels!"

"Wow!" -said our reporter "Aren't you being a wee bit blasphemous? -AND won't religious Catholics be upset about violating the priviliged and sacred bond between a Priest and his flock?"

"Fuck the flock!" said Schlocknell -"It will be bigger than Idol!"

"AND"He concluded; "The FLOCK is more worried about the Priests fucking their kids"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Losing Tongue After Sex With Ann Coulter

My Snatch Kills
 I'm A Junkie

Rush Limbaugh May Lose Tongue After Sex With Anne Coulter
"It was horrible!" -- Rush Limbaugh screamed,as tears streamed down his fat face -- "I was blasted on Oxycotin and she was screaming "Tie me up and eat me! eat me! eat me!" -- "When i came to --she was tied up -- with yards of dental floss and spread eagled on the bed -- she was passed out and the room smelled like a Mosque."

Rush Limbaugh recounted the events leading up to the terrible venereal infection of his oral cavity by Anne Coulter -- the right wing witch who gave Bill O'Reilly the clap (reported previously in a bandit exclusive ).

Moishe Pipick - head of eye ear nose and throat surgery at Lennox Hill hospital in NYC stated: "Rush came to me after experiencing burning pain from his tongue and a viscious odor emanating from his oral cavity. His tongue was so swollen that he could hardly talk" -- " Thurr dlrty clun hasth possnd plussy" ----"was all he could try and say and i gave him a pen and paper and he wrote -- "Help me please -- i went down on that toxic waste dump Anne Coulter and now i'm ruined."

Dr. Pipick went on "I'm afraid that Mr. Limbaugh's career as a viscious demi-god may be over -- our surgical team here feels there is a good chance he will lose his tongue -- part of his face jowls and at least one lip."

Mel Kornbloom ,Surgeon General of the United States, and Abe Ginsberg head of the office of National Disease control said at a White House news conference: 'We strongly recommend that Ms. Coulter be placed under emergency quarantine along with the entire right wing of the Republican Party." --"If this virulent strain of rotton pussy virus get's out of control it will make the Bird Flu look like the common cold"

David Gregory of CBS news asked them; " Would you recommend killing all exposed Republicans if it starts to spread -- like those chickens in China " -- The Doctors responded -- " would you rather see a repeat of the Plague which killed one third of the population of Europe in the thirteenth Century?"

Pat Robertson said today; "The lord acts in mysterious ways -- he has sent Anne Coulter to defile and destroy the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party for straying from the path of righteousness' --he went on; "This is of Biblical proportions -- like when God sent the plagues over the Egyptians when they refused to let the Hebrews out of bondage."Robertson said; "He has sent a messenger from Hell in the form of this Anne Coulter to spread her " RottonPussyDeath Virus" over the sinful -- the Lord has graduated from toads and rivers of blood -- to a more modern sex based plague --Hallelujah!"

Rush announced through a sign language interpreter --from his pre op room at Lenox Hill Hospital; "I should have stuck with Cotton!" (Cotton is his prize sheep -named after Oxycotin, his drug of choice.The Bandit exclusively reported in a prior post that Limbaugh was caught shtupping Cotton on his farm in Maryland.)

Coulter reportedly screamed from her quarantine; "I only wish i could have infected Hillary!"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cornhole King JerrySandusky Looking Forward To Prison Butt Fest

 Welcome Jerry

"I can't wait to get Cornholed day and night in prison - to get the same kind of ecstatic pleasure i gave all those fine young lads."

So said The Cornhole King as he awaited sentencing he continued:

"It's amazing how many nice fellers like Priests  and Teachers and Coaches and pro Athletes -big strong healthy fella's and righteous and religious folks and all kinds of upstanding men you would never think of:

Spend most of their quiet moments thinkin about fucking Children!"

Help is on the WAY


Friday, June 22, 2012

Inmates Waiting For Jerry Sandusky

Klovis Baton - national leader of The Aryan Brotherhood Network which operates in every Prison in the USA -and  who is serving 5 lifetime sentences for murder and for killing six prison guards -sent the word out today:

"Hi Jerry - we are waiting for you - you can't hide from us ANYWHERE - in solitary lockdown or in a cage on Mars -we will find you! - AND if those Penn State lovin Jurors let you off -it still won't matter to us - we will cornhole you and your wife and loved ones and close friends AND those Jurors until Hell freezes over!"

"You probably think you will find Jesus Christ in prison BUT you will find Jesus has a ten inch cock wrapped in barbed wire."

"We are terrible men BUT even we know where to draw the line -and you -along with all your Homo Priest friends are gonna pay!"

"All those kids who grew up BUT will always scream in the night will hear YOUR screams!"

Now that's a nice dream

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lisa lampanelli to Replace Anne Curry 0n Today Show

 NBC Rules
"And my co -host will be Big Balls Jimmy!"

"We are thrilled that NBC has decided to put some real balls into Network TV -and my first week's guests will all be black guys whose dicks i have made happy!"

we are gonna fuck America every morning
She continued:"I have had more black cock in me than the urinals at the Apollo Theatre"

Lisa Is a Fat fucking Whore
Asked about Anne Curry she said; "Nice chick too bad she was born without a pussy."

Pope Tells Africans Not To Fuck

fuck the Pope

Boys are better

"Hey you dysfunctional folks out there on the Dark Continent - i know your'e having trouble not chopping up everyone in sight -and you make a dollar a day - and your'e hot and dirty - and you have no toilet paper or TV or radio or socks -or even drugs -and there are flies eating up your eyeballs:
"But i - Your Popa - don't have a cock and i am very happy -so donta you worry about getting laid -- i hear it's very messy!"

'If you absolutely have to stick your biga blacka dicka in something -find a young boy -lika my priests."

That Pope is quite a guy!

But the Church is tone deaf - here's the latest statement from The Black Bishops (who would fuck any altar boy that's not armed even if he has advanced stage leprosy)
"The bishops did not veer from Vatican policy opposing the use of condoms to prevent the spread of H.I.V. and AIDS. “The problem cannot be overcome by the distribution of prophylactics,” they wrote. Instead, they urged abstinence among the unmarried and fidelity among the married. “Such a course of action not only offers the best protection against the spread of this disease but is also in harmony with Christian morality,” they wrote."

These guys are from another planet!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Kardashians Live For CornHoling" -Huge on Oprah

The Kardashians CornHoling mania brought good ratings for  Oprah Winfrey's - Her visit to the reality TV family's abode brought a significant boost to OWN -- even  this week's heavy competition from the broadcast network's NFL and PGA coverage and scripted cable finales could not stand up to The CornHoling Extravaganza the Kardashions put on.
The 8 p.m. broadcast of Oprah's Next Chapte -"KARDASHIONS  lIVE FOR CORNHOLING"  brought in 1.1 million viewers, making it one of the top broadcasts in the series' six-month tenure on the network. Previous highs came from Winfrey's sit-downs with Steven Tyler in the series premiere (1.1 million), pastor Joel Osteen (1.6 million) and a record-breaking exclusive with the family of late singer Whitney Houston (3.5 million).
In the demographics, the Kardashian installment ofNext Chapter Corholing - topped cable competition for the hour among OWN's target, women 25-54, earning a 1.14 rating. Compared to OWN's Sunday ratings a year ago, the demo was up 171 percent and viewers were up 151 percent.
"CornHoling is huge!" said Oprah "-it seems like anal sex is the New Love Machine Driver in our society"
She concluded;"and the kardashions have it down to a Science  -they even got me to experiment with a CornHoling and i must say it is an acquired Taste  -but with my huge Butt they said i might eventually become a Cornhole Queen."
"And Jimmy Big Balls might be my King -heh heh heh"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Japanese Woman Gives Birth To Sushi Child

Noogy Knooki Noogi gave birth to a ten pound Sushi Boy in the tiny Coastal Village of OneHung Lo where the residents eat a tremendous amount of raw fish including Dolphins.

"Our folks would eat their children if they had fins!" said Mayor Kutchanutsoff who has lived in the Village for 80 years" 

He continued;"Several years ago a women here gave birth to a sixty pound Giant Squid which is now in the second grade and doing quite nicely."

He went on;"Maybe we should cut down on slaughtering The Dolphins which might be angering The Sea Gods?"

Finally he said;"We really don't have the resources to deal with an influx of Sushi Kids"

CatholicBishop Slices off His Balls In Sodomy Protest


Screaming  - "Please God let's women become Priests! so we can stop fucking children!  -AND God Fuck the Pope!"........

Bishop Tuchy O Feely -better known affectionately to his young Altar and Choir boys as Father (Oh! Oh! Oh!) Feely - as he cornholed them out of sexual frustration and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Cardinal Rocco Antonuchi - speaking on behalf of the Pope said  in the Vatican today: "It's a sada day whena one of our besta Bishops cutsa his balls off because he cannota get his a rocks off."

He concluded; "I hopa the Popa changes hisa minda about letting woman become Priests because not ALL the cornholing being dona to the kidsa is by Homo Priests!"

The Cardinal concluded: "We gotta stop corholing all these littla children even if we have to castrate the whole Priesthood -starting with The Popa if he doesn't come to his senses!"


Monday, June 18, 2012

"God and Jesus Fucked me!" says Rick Santorum


A confidential email from Rick Sanitorium has been leaked which shows he his not exactly happy with his good (ex) pal) God!

"God really fucked me over!" he emailed his top fund raiser the Reverend Brigham Newnuts at the Pac - "Lordy Lordy How The Lord Loves His Second Son Ricky."

The email went on; "God promised me i would be President - he told me that he would never allow a Moron -I mean Mormon to be President -especially after what he did to his Dog - and that he would never allow a (the N word) to be re -elected! -AND that i was his main man!."

Sanitorium went further:  "God has turned out to be a real asshole and i think Jesus was in on it because he thinks i hate Jews!"

The email concluded: 'Well fuck God! AND Jesus -They can both go straight to Hell!"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Is Your Goat Smarter Than A Mullah" should Premiere on Iran TV

"Satellite TV programs such as those broadcast on Farsi 1 destroy the chastity and honor of our families and encourage the young to take up lovemaking, wine drinking and Satan worship."MOHAMMAD-TAGHI RAHBAR, a member of Iran's Parliament, on comedies and dramas broadcast from Dubai into Iran by the News Corporation and a prominent Afghan family.

What they really need is a game show -maybe "The Stone Is Right" where these stone age morons can compete in killing their local "Satanic Hussies" and win luxurious prizes like dynamite and toilet paper?

Or maybe "Desperate Shiite Houswives of Iran" where wives and mothers compete in begging their husbands for huge favors -like not being abused and demeaned and totally marginalized.
Or maybe even 
"Is Your Goat Smarter Than The Local Mullah?"

No wonder these Fundamentalist Muslims are so cranky! -They have nothing to watch but each other's fucking misery.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day Evolved From A Blowstick

Historians have recorded that there was a tradition to celebrate Father's Day even thousands of years ago. Their study say that 4,000 years ago in Babylon a son called Elmesu carved a father's day message on a clay card. In his message Elmesu wished his father a long and healthy life. There is no knowledge as to what happened to this father son duo but it is believed that several countries retained the custom of celebrating Father's Day.

Well - if you believe that i have a nice cabin in Kyrgestan i can sell you cheap.

About 60 thousand years ago after eons of men shtupping anything that moved and then moving on to his next foxy Huntress gatherer -like:

"So what if you have a little one -what's that got to do with MY shtupping -and anyway -how does shtupping result in that little one? Go prove it (ancestor to first Jewish lawyer?)"

See -the cause and effect of shtupping resulting in a child -let alone YOUR child - was not figured out yet.

Well one day this cave woman Mildred tries something original and sneaks into the cave where Oorgy her main shtupper was sleeping and she gives him a present that the Tribal Witch and Healer - Esther Pipick - told her about:

A blow stick! - Which no one had dared tried before except Odin who blew stick the wrong guy and wound up with his skull bashed in -anyway -back to Mildred and Oorgy and Esther Pipick the Witch.

See -Esther had first discovered the blow stick when one night she was blowing on a stick with meat on it to cool it off -and being a witch she came up with the concept for the First blow JOB when Oorgy - sitting across from her at the fire ring - reacted to her blowing on the stick by having HIS weiner stick protrude out of his loincloth by ten inches ( see-HE didn't know why but Esther put stick and dick together right away.
WELL -when Oorgy comes too after his blow stick experience -he says "Holy shit Mildred -what the fuck was that? -I want more!"

And Mildred says "Well you gave me a baby from your shtupping and THAT blow stick was your Father's Day gift"

And Oorgy replied "Oh yeah! -that's MY son allright -absotutely -100% -He's a beauty -strong and so smart -and well hung just like me -and i can't wait until NEXT Father's day"
Unfortunately with the taming of men and the rise of Christianity and sin and it's residual sexual repression - Material gifts were gradually substituted for the blow jobs by many women hence precipitating the rise in divorce and subsequent breakdown of the traditional family unit.

So you see how that first blow stick evolved into the Father's Day we celebrate today -AND - to this very day there are women who give one or less blow jobs a year -Just like Mildred.
So today let's have a moment of silence for all those fathers who will get a tie instead of a blow job.
AND give a big hip hip hooray to all those gals to whom a blow job is just another day -like a walk in the park.

But most of all a big hat's off to Esther Pipick The Witch and her first pupil --Mildred -and to Oorgy -First father and blow stick recipient

Fox TV announces 'Haunted CornHole Highway"

New paranormal reality series Haunted CornHole Highway (formerly titled Paranormal Highway) opens on Fox TV on July 3 at 10p.  The one-hour series follows two teams comprised of Jack Osbourne & Dana Workman and Jael de Pardo & Devin Marble as they conduct first-person investigations on paranormal Corn Holing activity found along America's remote back roads.  

Throughout the six episodes, the teams will visit lonely roads in Utah, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Arkansas and Louisiana as they seek evidence of CornHoling which is rampant among Redneck Christians in these rural areas.

Viewers will get to see CornHoling Ghosts in action! 

Haunted Highway is produced by BASE Productions.

Drew Carey Puked Off 80 pounds - Puking Himself To Death

                         "I can't stop puking"

"These fucking no life crap obsessed morons are like crap slaves and i am their Moron King"

"I have puked off 80 pounds and i can't wait until i puke myself to death to escape this Moron Hell"

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kanye West Posts - Post CornHole Pix - of Kim Kardashion

Cape Town - Kanye West posted a naked picture of Kim Kardashianon Twitter, reports 2OceansVibe. --shortly after cornholing her on their Hotel Balcony

However, the rapper quickly removed the image just moments after it was uploaded.

The picture shows the back of a naked Kim Kardashian sitting at a table eating after she was CornHoled

Most of her bum is also visible in the photo.

While it has been deleted from Twitter, some bloggers and internet users managed to save a copy of the photo before the take-down. 

Hotel residents heard a woman screaming "Oh Kanye drive me off the balcony with that big black railroad tie!" 
Here is the photo, as posted on 2OceansVibe.

Kim is however no stranger to being Cornholed. 

She has appeared naked post CornHoling, albeit covered in silver paint, on the cover of W Magazine and she is most famous for her sex tape with Ray J. 
Kim and Kanye have been dating for a few months and there is speculation that the pair are planning a family. 

'"If i can stay out of that magnificent CornHole long enough to do the reproduction thing -heh heh"

Drew Carey Feels Like King of Morons -Wants to Die

"I took their money and turned myself into "The Moron King" and i wish i was dead!"

"Everyday i look at these screaming fucking morons going apeshit over crap and i want to go back to my dressing room and shoot myself!"

"I used to be a funny guy with self respect but i was seduced by all this money and never realized I would become "The Moron King"

"Please -won't someone release me from these fucking morons screaming and yelling over crap"

"Bob Barker told me i would love the fame and power and all folks - BUT now i know he was the biggest fucking moron of them all :

"Until me!"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"The Price is Right" Causes Brain Damage says New Study

"The ONLY question we have is - whether ONLY brain damaged people watch it - OR -the show causes it?" said Dr. Moishe Pipick -head of The Worldwide Neurological Center in Berne, Switzerland.

He continued:"The evidence is absolutely conclusive - these folks either come to the show part nutsy -or are driven that way - probably it's a combo effect!"

"Another amazing finding is that when put through behavioral analysis like -you know -the ones that showed how Chimps will keep pushing the lever for Cocaine instead of food -these "Price is Right" freakos preferred shopping and bling titillation more than life ITSELF!"

"Well Doctor,"asked one of the Institute's Scientists -what are your recommendations ?"

Dr. Pipick replied  "  Watch them closely!  - Neuter them all!  - and consider Euthanasia!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Fox TV's "Die Laughing" Brings Back The Dead

"Holy cow Mike!" said Bandit Entertainment reporter Elise Mandelbaum "You are going to exploit terminally patients in a Reality Show?"

"Exploit?" -"Hold on to your size D Jewish cups Elise! -We have already brought half a dozen terminally ill patients back from the Grim Reaper's grasp in our test pilot"

"Bullshit Mike!" said Elise.

Schlocker replied; "Let me introduce ya to Moishe Pipick who already had his feeding tube removed over at Cedars Sinai when Ben Morrison a local stand up comic did a special 'Die Laughing ' routine at Moishe's bedside -tell em what happened Moishe?"

Moishe exclaimed; "Well -i vas riding up to Heaven on a bright light ven i hear "So Moishe - did you hear about the old Jew who had brain cancer and his wife tried to put chicken soup in his ears and..."

Moishe went on: "well suddenly i heard a few more Death Jokes and before you know it i was awake -AND after an MRI and a Scat Scan my Neurologist said my brain tumor had totally disappeared!"

Schlocker said; And - we know this "Die Laughing" approach can save folks and it's gonna be one hell of a funny show!"

Elise said; "Well it would be so wonderful if you could actually use tragic comedy to save folks Mike"

Schlocker concluded; "But if it don't get ratings we'll have to pull the plug on it --heh heh heh -heh heh heh - pull the plug -get it? heh heh heh!"

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Fox TV Announces "The Search For Osama Bin Laden's Skeleton"

"We are gonna scour the Ocean with the same team of expert underwater Treasure Hunters that discovered the Titanic and bring up Osama's Skeleton and sell it in what will be the world's greatest auction event -- AND the revenue will go to the 911 victim's families" --said Myron Schlockmeister Prexy of Fox TV in a startling press conference in hollywood today.

"Wow!" -exclaimed Moishe Pipick,LA Burea Chief for The New York Times. He went on "This will certainly be the biggest event in TV history and maybe in the history of the world - because IF you find his Skeleton you know the fanatical Muslims will go ape shit world wide"

Schlockmeister replied," Heh Heh -fuck em all! -Oh and we WILL find that fucker's carcass - because we have inside info from the Aircraft Carrier's logs about where they dumped him -and our crew is the best in the world at finding shit in the deepest parts of the World's oceans"

Digibandit Entertainment Reporter Elise Mandelbaum asked:"Isn't it against the Shariah Code of Muslim Justice to bother a dead Muslim's body?"

"Sharia LAW? -That's a fucking oxymoron if ever i heard one! -- Hey Elise in Iran they would stone you to death just for showing off those big tits of yours."

"Fuck you Schlockmeister!"

Monday, June 04, 2012

From "Fags To Stags" Boot Camp From Fox TV

"You come in as a Homeo and leave as a Romeo" says executive producer Moishe Pipick speaking on behalf of Fox Reality Pres.Mike Schlocko who is away visiting Bernie Madoff in federal Prison to discuss a potential program.'Weekend at Bernie's"

"Over the course of twelve weeks our drill instructors -who make Victoria Secrets models look like boys -and who in addition to being the greatest pieces of ass on Earth -are also behavioral psychiatrists -will have these homo recruits screwing like a Guido on the Jersey Shore"

Pipick went on; "we will follow them as they convert from "Tuchas Tigers" - into "Snatch Busters" -and we will witness the pride and joy that their families will experience in seeing their transition into happy and fulfilled "Real Men"

"This is another example of Fox Reality TV's commitment to presenting compelling -must watch programs -while simultaneously helping to uplift society."

He concluded; "The one disappointment in the production is that we had to eliminate the Priests from the Boot Camp"

"They were using it to prey (oops a pun) on the recruits and to try and cornhole all the young kids in the area where we where shooting"

He concluded: "If you have a homo friend or family member or are a fagott yourself - call us at 1-800- stagfag - camp -and start on the road to heterosexual misery. (ha ha ha)

Friday, June 01, 2012

MOSCOW - A lone protester detained in a small city east of Moscow earlier this month for spitting on an image of Russian President Vladimir Putin has  been sentenced to life days in prison after being convicted of "minor hooliganism." and his wife and three small chidren have been sent to Siberia

Dimitry Karuyev insists he only sneezed on the photo, but the incident nevertheless shows how Russian authorities are cracking down on dissenters as Putin begins his third term in office amid unprecedented protests against him.
Two men were detained in Moscow earlier this week for allegedly assaulting riot police during a May 6 protest that turned violent. Several dozen protesters and about 30 police officers were injured in the scuffle that ended with hundreds detained and several police helmets bobbing in the Moscow Riv

famous Russian Dissidents - never forget
