xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Jun 4, 2022

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Biden Calls trump “a lying cocksucker” Biden’s approval ratings SOAR!

 Biden Calls trump “a lying cocksucker” Biden’s approval ratings SOAR!

“I have to give complete credit to my new Director of Communications - Dr. Moishe Pipick!” for this amazing turn around - NOW we can start to get things accomplished for all American’s -Even the conservative assholes!”

This esteemed former professor of sociology at Harvard and renowned researcher and author - explained things to me this way.”

“Mr President  -  trump and all those schmuck morons who support him?

What THEY want is someone as vulgar and ignorant as he is AND everywhere in the Government AND on the news!

“Trying your best to explain issues and solutions to idiots who cannot determine truth from fictions and conspiracies; fed to them daily by the equally shit for brained conservatives in congress and on fox news and social media conspiracists AND those  Evangelican religious absurdists -WELL - Face it Mr President -They eat it up like shit candy!”

“YOU have to get down in the gutter where those deplorable trogs wallow  in the mud like Moron Hogs!””

President Biden -”Well anyway -I get it now AND l graciously with all my heart and soul - THANK all you fucking low life white supremacists who are now supporting me! - AND alert all those viscious ignorant trumpanzees like Herschel Walker and Josh Hawley ( etc) and  their cunt counterparts out there in their white trash GOP districts like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert (et. al.)”

Your day are numbered!