xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Sep 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mc Caine Requests That Vulgarity Be Allowed In Debates

Well - Casper (The Friendly Ghost) McCaine - has decided that in the interests of "Straight Talking" with the American people - "he and Obama should be allowed to use vulgarities in addressing one another"

He stated; "Look - everyone knows I'm a straight shooter - and so let's just cut the crap and have some conversations with each other that most Americans can really relate to!"

"For example - Barak -your proposal for universal health care sucks!"

He explained; "Now that says a hell of a lot more than some high falutin detailed - gobbeldeegook analysis of this key issue."

"The folks out there deserve to know EXACTLY what the situation is - in terms they can relate to!"

He said; "For example - on Iraq - i would like to say - in "Straight Talk Express" lingo to Obama - Yo Obama - you are a fucking pussy with your cut and run agenda on troop withdrawal!"

"Now -you see how unambiguous that answer is?" -"Or - regarding abortion for example - How's this sound? --Hey Barak - maybe you think life begins whenever the fuck YOU think it does - but a lot of folks don't think that you are God - (most folks think God is white -heh! heh!)"

"Oh yeah - and about the racial thing! -if Obama wants to call me a white honky - go for it! -Shit - i'll just call him a fucking chocolate Muslim and the air will be cleared once and for all -and we can put all that racial crapola behind us."

Elise mandelbaum the Bandit Washington bureau chief asked Casper;

"Well do you draw the line anywhere with this vulgar straight talk?"

Whitey responded: "Yes - absolutely! - I will not call his wife a cunt! - and he should not call Cindy - say - an old rich honky hooker -or stuff like that."

"Oh - and no goin after the phsical stuff - like calling my arms flippers and about me looking like an old Klan member - or shit like that which could debases the tone of the debates."

"And - i will not talk about his Chimpy ears and face (ooh --eeeee-aaa -heh!heh! ) - sorry couldn't resist that - but you get the idea Elise?"

"And maybe we should refrain from just plain name calliing -that's not issue related -like 'You are a fucking cocksucker Obama!'

He concluded; "But i do think the public would like some of that - as it goes to the character of the man."

"And i do think he is a complete fucking putz asshole!"