xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Mar 29, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Rich Play The Poor Suckers Like Violins

The poor slobs in the Godd ole USA are so worried about their guns and zygotic life -and homos and wetbacks and having a black President that they focus their anger on the good hearted liberals tryin to give em a break.

The rich and powerful just keep feeding them the lie that one day they will hit the jackpot and Uncle Sam will grab it all -and in the meantime the upper class just keep getting fatter and richer on the masses' sweat and misery and ignorance.

I mean - the Proletariat are against health Care for all -against tax increases -against estate taxes -against eliminating Corporate welfare (including Mega Farmers) -anything that will enhance their piece of the pie which keeps on getting smaller.

I mean -these folks have about as much chance of striking cultural gold as they do of hitting the Lotto or becoming enlightened.

You Know the Romans had a saying for controlling the masses who were getting it up the backside 24/7:

"Bread and Spectacle" -they handed out free loaves and then it was into the Colliseum to watch the sickest shit they could think of - like Gladiators fighting bears -and Lions eating Christians (well that wasn't so bad in retrospect) And it worked! -They masses went home happy!

Now it's Bibles and Booze and TV and gambling and drugs - AND Misinformation 24/7 and non stop Political manipulation - and a cop every 100 yards

(aaand lest we forget the have nots used to also HAVE shopping -which is being replaced by extreme behavior of the kind we saw outside the White House -and it's gonna get worse -way worse without that shopping high))

You take all THOSE diversions away and the GODD Ole USA would look like a scene from the Road Warrior.

What a bunch of suckers!