xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"Fly Nude Airlines" -Security Guaranteed

Northwest Air announced it's "Fly Nude" Airline Division with a Nude press conference at the beverly Hill's Tanning Center in Los Angeles.

Moishe Pipick head of security for the new venture told the press (while lying in a tanning booth and drinking a Mai Tai):


He continued; "THAT'S the kind of peace and security that's guaranteed on "Fly Nude Air!"

"What about body cavity searches to make sure - well you know?" asked Elise Mandelbaum -digibandit Homeland Security reporter.

Pipick replied: "Passengers will search each other! - Heh Heh
-hey Elise -That's part of the fun on "Fly Nude" -it provides TOTAL security plus it kinda starts the party ball rollin along"

" ps -And you know that no crazy Muslim is gonna take his clothes off anyway -they think nudity is a stoning offense"

"Hey Elise why dontcha strip down and get into the 'Fly Nude" spirit -and i'd love to see your bodacious ta ta's!"

"Okey dokey"

Fox Announces -Dead Relatives With God Videos

Yep -Fox is getting into the Educational Video biz and here's a sample of their first release "Say Hi To Grandpop Up In Heaven"(Grandmom's are next because they live longer) -which is flying off the shelves this holiday season:

Videos can be personalized as follows:

"High my darling grandchildren -This is Granpa Pipick speaking to you from heaven.

'It's so beautiful and peaceful here -and i'm sitting here with God playing a nice game of checkers - and God wants to say hi;

"Hi -this is god and the reason I'm sitting here with Grandpa Pipick playing checkers and sipping iced tea - instead of him roasting for all Eternity in Hell with the Devil -is because he was a good man and he worshipped me."

"So i want you to be very good and worship me blindly no matter how horrible life treats you or how stupid that seems -or you won't get up here and be with your good -God loving loved ones

"And if you're real bad - i might just send Grandpa Pipick down to Hell just to get even. - Now here's your Grandpa again"

"Now kids - you want me to go on living like a King up here in Heaven dontcha? -So don't fuck up and get me sent down with Grandma Pipick and Uncle Abe -in Hell!"

"And the production is so inexpensive" said Elise Mandelbaum President of Fox Video.

She stated; "The religious right loonies will buy these videos by the millions - we received ten thousand videos of grandparents from these nut cases just last week so we can edit them into the finished tapes before they croak"

"Or we can just send the generic version with fake heavenly voices (with provided info re Grandpa) as soon as we receive a deposit of $49.95"

"Hey! _ isn't there a whole new potential market here? -Messages from the dead kinda stuff?" asked digibandit Hollywood reporter Yonah Shimmel.

"heh heh" Laughed Mandelbaum "And a whole new reality show series is in the works:

"Afterlife" starring dead people - playing themselves before they died - Just as if they were still alive "

Fox rules!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Claus Charged With Sodomizing Elves

Santa arrived back in the North Pole after a long night of gift giving to find himself taken into custody by the Polar Police -his Reindeer quarantined and his sled impounded -as hundreds of elves with torches and pitchforks screamed "Santa is a pervert!"

Meyer Lansky the North Pole Chief of Police stated; 'Santa has been taken into custody because of DNA evidence and testimony alleging that he was routinely sodomizing both his.male and female elves - and maybe even his Reindeers?

He said: "And we are asking all parents to watch their children this Christmas day for any evidence of unusual or frightful .behavior"

"For example -If they are afraid to open their presents or cry at the sight of milk and cookies "

"Merry Christmas"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pastor Rick Warren Guilty Of Masturbation Genocide

What's that! - The Pastor who presided at Obama's inauguration - Who has the largest Christian Congregation on earth (The Saddleback Church)-Who wrote "The Purpose Driven Life" -which has outsold the Bible:

Guilty of genocide?--- Absolutely and here's why!

He told David Gregory on "Meet The Press" -- "There has been a genocide of sixty million souls - those who have been aborted since the Roe V Wade decision.

OK -so since Ricky equates a women's decision to have some microscopic cells scraped from her uterus- or the early growth of an embryo- both of which represent the "POTENTIAL" for human life - with genocidal murder:

I hence assume he believes that GOD is saying ""Uh Uh Don't fuck with MY zygotes - i gave you humans sperm and eggs and they are to be used for procreation only - or you are guilty of murder -- oooooooooooooooooooooooooh!"

Now for those of us who believe that "LIfe" begins when their is sentience and follow our ethical and moral precepts guided by medical science and common sense and with respect for a women's privacy - well - we are on a plane with Adolph Eichmann and Hitler et.al -and are killing little humans daily .(fortunately in the good ole USA as opposed to Saudi Arabia or even the USA prior to the separation of Church and State)) We heathens don't have to receive our morality direct from the tooth fairy)

Oh -and Ricky boy just stands there and preaches while genocide is occuring all around him - (kinda like the Church did during the lesser Holocaust of a mere six million Jews)

Anyway -back to Pastor Rick's complicity in personal genocidal homicide - BECAUSE - if destroying the POTENTIAL for life (as opposed to the secular view of when LIFE ACTUALLY begins) IS on a moral plain with "MURDER"- in the eyes of GOD -and as Pastor Ricky says :

THEN (ta da) - every time Rick Warren jerked off - he commited "MURDER"-according to the Bible and in the eyes of GOD!

As a million sperm cells carrying the potential for life flew onto his belly - Pastor Rick - Along with all the other murderous masturbating Christians - destroyed the potential for life in the eyes of god:

As surely as did the SS officer who shoved my Aunt Tanta and her three little girls into the ovens at Auswich)

So - first of all Ricky -YOU are going to HELL! -And secondly -you are going to the hottest part of HELL - Because you stood by and watched sixty million human beings being slaughtered since Roe V Wade and did shit!

Oh - and i won't even get into what St. Thomas Aquinas would say about when you good Christians become guilty of such genocide in the eyes of GOD - BUT FYI -It would be when you begin -in good conscience - to plan on how to frustrate the insemination process with your onerous anti ovulation trickery - Which is SO transparent to your God (and REALLY pisses him off)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Final Nail In Republican Coffin

The same group of stinking fat cats and conservatives voted for the Fugitive Slave act - Plessy Ferguson and against all attempted Civil Rights legislation - They tried to block Suffrage and the New Deal and every attempt by Progressives to help labor and the poor and the disenfranchised - ever since the inception of our representative Democracy

Bibles in hand they are pro gun -pro unwanted life -pro war (any war)-anti immigration -anti minimum wage equity - anti environment and anti intellectual and anti science.

They hate gays - and they worship an out of control and unregulated financial system that brought us to the brink of economic collapse.

They never said boo when GW drove up the deficit and federal spending to record levels -AND:

Now the whole batch of them has voted against Health Care Reform! - a political strategy to stop the progress being made across the board by a brilliant President who they hate.

And who is on the way to restoring this nation to place of dignity and promise in the World -Abandoned during the Dark Ages of Republican rule under that moron GW.

Adios rednecks!- You're finished! -Health Care Reform is on the way!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tiger Is An Angel Next To These Fuckers

“I’m a conservative who opposes radically redefining marriage, the most important social institution in human history,” Mr. David Vitter, a 46-year-old Republican, wrote in a letter last year to The Times-Picayune, the New Orleans daily.

That self-created image, a political winner here since 1991, when Mr. Vitter joined the Louisiana House, took a tumble with the disclosure that his phone number was among those on a list of client numbers kept by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the so-called D.C. Madam, who is accused of running a prostitution ring in Washington."

"So this report in todays New York Times should come as no surprise to anyone with half a brain!" said Doctor Herschel Mandelbaum, head psychiatrist at the National Center for Male Lust, in Eugene Oregon.

"Every study that has ever been done on the male libido, and it's cognitive and physiological response to hot pussy; -- has conclusively shown that the prick has a very strong mind of it's own!"

He added; "And in the case of male religious conservatives these studies have shown that seventy percent of them will jump anything they can! The family value thing is right out the window when the one eyed monstor starts to rise -- fortunately for their families most of these bible thumpers are very unnatractive to women and have low levels of testosterone and small dicks -- otherwise they would fuck their pets!"

Dr.Mandelbaum, who is the world authority on male libidian behavior further stated; "And in the case of male politicians who espouse conservative family values -- our studies have shown with a margin of error of less then one percent, that when arroused -- they would fuck a snake!"

In conclusion the Doctor stated: " When finally caught with their peckers hanging out they always say, as in the case of Senator Vitter, -- "I am so sorry that i sinned in the past before i found the Lord --yadadadada."

"It's all bullshit! -- If a woan winked at them seconds after their bullshit cries of contrition - they would throw her in the back of their limo and fuck her like a dog in heat!"

Friday, December 18, 2009

Rolex Announces "Cheat Like a Tiger" Edition

"When you're a serious "Cheater" -you have GOT to know the Exact time at All times -and manage your time very effectively -and Rolex is proud to sponsor Tiger Woods as we launch the new eighteen carat gold diamond encrusted -limited edition- "Cheat Like A Tiger" super accurate Rolex!": said Moishe Pipick worldwide head of marketing and promotion for the Rolex timepiece corporation.

He went on: :When Tag Haur cancelled Tiger we were waiting in the wings -it's such an ideal sponsorship because 95% of Rolex owners are serious 'Cheaters" -and while Tag Haur has a 75% Cheating demographic -49% of their sales are generated from the wives who are being cheated on."

Furthermore he said " Tag Haur has a very high percentage of homo users who have always believed that Tiger was bisexual - and we have a sworn affidavit from Tiger purporting that he has never cheatred on his wife with a homo"

Pipick concluded: "Oh - and when you buy a "Cheat Like A Tiger" Rolex -you get a thirty percent reduction on the platinum with rubies " Ladies" Model Rolex" in case you want your mistress of the moment to enjoy a magnificent Holiday gift"

"Especially nice for Hanuckah" said Pipick - or even Purim"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brain Chemistry - Testosterone and Evolution + Babes


His Cheating Brain

Why do powerful men risk everything for sex? It has to do with brain chemistry, evolution and, yes, testosterone.

Alpha males are high on testosterone, the hormone that underlies almost all the typical traits of the politico-sexual animal: high levels of testosterone make for a high sex drive, a love of risks, aggressiveness and competitiveness. "These people have a strong need to win at games, which is obviously important in power politics," says Zuckerman. Success sends their testosterone spiraling up, while a loss brings the levels down—a phenomenon that's been documented in the lab as well as in athletes and chess champions.

Women's testosterone levels also rise when there's competition on the line, but the actual act of winning—or, for that matter, losing—doesn't have any effect on the levels either way. It's the game, not the outcome, that makes the difference for women. Success, then, may not set them off-balance the same way. Evolutionary psychology also suggests that women leaders wouldn't be as likely as men to get caught in sex scandals. "Men and women play different roles in reproduction, so I don't think that you'd see the same kind of pattern where high-status women would be more likely to seek out lots and lots of men," says Daniel Kruger, a research scientist at the University of Michigan who has studied risk-taking behavior. "That's not going to really benefit them that much because they're limited in the number of children they could have." Men, on the other hand, have more of a biological imperative to spread their genes far and wide--the kind of privilege that often comes with being an alpha male.

Hungry for Power. Not everyone wants to be a high-profile politician. It takes, among other things, supreme confidence—the kind that may shade into egocentrism and lead to downfall. "For high-profile offices—we're not talking about the school board, but mayors, governors, senators, some members of Congress and the presidency—you have to have a kind of personality where you are very interested in yourself and your personal needs, as well as the needs of others," says John Gastil, a University of Washington political scientist. "When the gratification of your desire for social change becomes the justification for so much of what you do in your career, it's not a leap to then say, 'Well, my other desires and needs are equally justified.' You come up with elaborate justifications. 'Hey, 23 hours day I'm working hard for the people of New York. Time for a little me time!'"

Ironically, that kind of confidence is part of what appeals to voters. "We love charismatic people, the 'micro-messiahs'," says Gastil. "We favor the candidates who are already concerned with projecting certainty and power and strength—and we cultivate those characteristics in people. We want a little bit of that sense that these people are special and different. Does that go to their heads? Of course it does."

And then power has its own corrosive effects. A person who seeks out power may already be compromised. But once he's got that power, he may be tempted beyond anything he's experienced before. "We sometimes say, 'God, what do these people think, the rules don't apply to them?' Well, that's often true. They really do live in a different world from most of us," says Gastil. "Spitzer apparently had access to a service where you pay top dollar for exclusivity and discretion—one that most people don't have access to. Probably your average philanderer doesn't know such a company even exists." Remember the explanation Bill Clinton gave for his cheating: "I did something for the worst possible reason—just because I could."

As the saying goes, power is also an aphrodisiac—and that's been true, says Kruger, as long as humans have been around. "In our evolutionary history, men who had lots of resources and status and power were able to have more than one partner. Your body is basically saying if you have this power, you should use it, because that's what has worked before," he says. "Even in modern history, whether you're talking about medieval kings or sultans or rock stars, quite a few have multiple partners. So you're not so surprised to see this dynamic in politics today."

He Thinks He's Invincible. Bloggers and commenters have been floating the idea that Spitzer was subconsiously hoping to be caught. But that, at least, is one negative trait that psychologists hesitate to ascribe to him. "The idea of a death wish, that he was self-destructive—I don't think there's a shred of reason to believe that," says Farley.

Instead, the opposite may be true: not only was Spitzer hoping to get away with something, he honestly thought he'd be able to. "It does have an element of Greek tragedy to it. There's a certain amount of hubris that goes with getting to the top," says Gladue. "You think you're invincible. You just don't think it could happen to you." Until, of course, it does.

But basically it all boils down to "Hot Chicks" - oooweeee!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fox TV Announces "The Cheaters" Starring Tiger Woods

"His first guest will be Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina -and he and Tiger will discuss the power of "Hot Chicks" to pull a decent family loving man off the highroad of fidelity and onto the dark back roads in search of Hot Chicks and Babes"

So said Mike Schlocknell -president of Fox Reality TV and he continued: "Tiger will explore the "Cheating" issue on a worldwide platform with all it's societal and cultural implications -and he will have the greatest "Cheaters" on earth talking with him at exotic posh spots around the globe -and of course he will be surrounded by the "Hot Chicks" - and hopefully the gals left behind (who they replaced).

Tiger said: " I want to do this show to shed light on this difficult challenge to mostly powerful and rich men with a 36 waist or under - and to show that any man with "our" options to get "Hot Chicks" would go for the gold."

Schlocknell concluded the press conference: "Hey -this is gonna be a strong documentary dealing with the root causes of cheating and it's impact on descent god loving families -BUT -we gotta get folks to watch so their will be a lot of tits and ass and partying with Hot Chicks - kinda like the Rich and Famous-at loose on the town - cheating their rich and famous asses off!"

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tiger Will Leave Tour To Chase "Hot Chicks"

Tiger Woods said Friday he is taking an indefinite leave from golf to spend the next couple of years chasing "hot chics"

He announced ; "From the time i was two years old and continuing into adulthood the only thing my dad allowed me to focus on was golf -and i have been so deprived from casual sex with 'Hot chicks " that i am now out of control and i just need to "Shtup" my way out of this psychosis".

Dr Moishe Pipick -Wood's therapist said today:"Tiger is suffering from a serious case of APD (Acute Pussy Deprivation) -and the best way for him to return to a normal happy life is to Shtup every "Hot Chic" he can over the next two years."

Woods concluded "This going to be rough -but i was always good in the rough!"

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Ball Breaking Endangering National Security

Dr.Moishe Pipick -head biologist at The World
Biology Research Institute in Berne,Switzerland -announced today

":The size of male Gonads (balls) has been shrinking steadily in the major world democracies -especially in the USA - for two decades -and the diminished testosterone levels in men is now at a critical level"

Elise Mandelbaum -digibandit healthand science editor asked Dr. Pipick" What are the main causes of the Gonad shrinkage?

"First and foremost it is the increasing aggression in female behavior which is reversing Darwinian protocals in male development - and the commensurrate insecurity among men about their historical genealogical roles."

"So in plain English Doctor Pipick?" said Mandelbaum.

He replied; "Men are losing their balls because of female intimidation -nagging and general ball breaking behavior"

"And how does this impact on our national security in the USA?"

DR. Pipick responded; "Well -for one thing the military -and especially at the fighting man level is becoming less dynamic -especially when facing an enemy like the fascist moslems who have no concept of taking ANY crapola from a woman"

He continued; "Our studies show that Arab men have gonads that are .o567 centimeters larger than an American male -which translates into an 18 percent testosterone advantage"

"In simple terms - modern women are squeazing the grape (ball) juice out of modern men -and turning them into fucking wimps!"

Mandelbaum replied: "Iv'e noticed that with my husband Manny -is there any thing we women can do?".

Pipick answered "Stop breaking balls and nagging and acting cunty"

Monday, December 07, 2009

Pastor Rick Warren Guilty Of Genocide -From HIS Masturbation

What's that! - The Pastor who presided at Obama's inauguration - Who has the largest Christian Congregation on earth (The Saddleback Church)-Who wrote "The Purpose Driven Life" -which has outsold the Bible:

Guilty of genocide?--- Absolutely and here's why!

He told David Gregory on "Meet The Press" -- "There has been a genocide of sixty million souls - those who have been aborted since the Roe V Wade decision.

OK -so since Ricky equates a women's decision to have some microscopic cells scraped from her uterus- or the early growth of an embryo- both of which represent the "POTENTIAL" for human life - with genocidal murder:

I hence assume he believes that GOD is saying ""Uh Uh Don't fuck with MY zygotes - i gave you humans sperm and eggs and they are to be used for procreation only - or you are guilty of murder -- oooooooooooooooooooooooooh!"

Now for those of us who believe that "LIfe" begins when their is sentience and follow our ethical and moral precepts guided by medical science and common sense and with respect for a women's privacy - well - we are on a plane with Adolph Eichmann and Hitler et.al -and are killing little humans daily .(fortunately in the good ole USA as opposed to Saudi Arabia or even the USA prior to the separation of Church and State)) We heathens don't have to receive our morality direct from the tooth fairy)

Oh -and Ricky boy just stands there and preaches while genocide is occuring all around him - (kinda like the Church did during the lesser Holocaust of a mere six million Jews)

Anyway -back to Pastor Rick's complicity in personal genocidal homicide - BECAUSE - if destroying the POTENTIAL for life (as opposed to the secular view of when LIFE ACTUALLY begins) IS on a moral plain with "MURDER"- in the eyes of GOD -and as Pastor Ricky says :

THEN (ta da) - every time Rick Warren jerked off - he commited "MURDER"-according to the Bible and in the eyes of GOD!

As a million sperm cells carrying the potential for life flew onto his belly - Pastor Rick - Along with all the other murderous masturbating Christians - destroyed the potential for life in the eyes of god:

As surely as did the SS officer who shoved my Aunt Tanta and her three little girls into the ovens at Auswich)

So - first of all Ricky -YOU are going to HELL! -And secondly -you are going to the hottest part of HELL - Because you stood by and watched sixty million human beings being slaughtered since Roe V Wade and did shit!

Oh - and i won't even get into what St. Thomas Aquinas would say about when you good Christians become guilty of such genocide in the eyes of GOD - BUT FYI -It would be when you begin -in good conscience - to plan on how to frustrate the insemination process with your onerous anti ovulation trickery - Which is SO transparent to your God (and REALLY pisses him off)

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Say's Hot Sex Is Positive Relief For Congress

House Chairwoman -Nancy Pelosi told digibandit White House Bureau Chief -Elise Mandelbaum:

"Look - these guys are besieged by hot pussy night and day -and with all the pressures that a guy like my friend Max Bauchus is under - especially fighting with those redneck Republicans over health care Reform ---- Who cares about him having a little fun with some hot chick?"

'But Madame Speaker" responded Ms. Mandelbaum "Would you have an affair with a young Congressional employee?"

Pelosi responded; "I should be so lucky - i didn't have these big Jugs of mine fixed so i could fuck some alta cocker in the Senate!"

"But what about your husband?" asked Mandelbaum-to which Pelosi answered:

"Look -My husband is a good looking multi-millionaire -with a big ego -And - he's probably going down on some young bimbo in his limo as we speak"

She went on; "Hey - it will be a very positive sign of women's political evolution when we start hearing about all the young cock they're getting up on Capitol Hill - Why should the old farts have all the fun -and the wonderful emotional release from all the bullshit we go through on a daily basis?"

Mandelbaum responded; 'But what about American's conservative values -and the Religious Right?"

" She concluded - are you kidding me -the biggest whoremasters on earth are those phony bible belters - fuckem all! -They are worthless!"

"I'm with you Madam Chairwoman"

EVERY Great Congressman Fucks Around -Face It!

They have power and money and influence and are married to mostly mature(older) women who they wish would not show up in their bedrooms (however infrequently)

They are surrounded by young hot (smart and exciting) gals who would like nothing more than to give them a great blow job under their desks at a moments notice -regardless of how fat and ugly they are.

Any man with enough drive and intellect and some testosterone left in his gonads will jump on these opportunities.

The ones that won't are not capable of dealing with the other maniacs they have to wrestle
with to help all of US survive.

Or - they are fucking some young male page in the Senate Cloakroom.

Personally i believe their should be a Congressional Harem - kinda like the Roman's had for their gladiators.

So the next time you read about a Max Bauchus humping some chic in his limo - rest assured it's good for all of us!

Who want's a horny Congressman or Senator fighting for our rights as descent folks just trying to make it through the night with our old worn out hags.

They're just doing what we would do in a heartbeat just for pleasure -WITHOUT helping the Country out in the process.


Senator Baucus Reveals Relationship With Woman He Nominated, A.P. Reports

A spokesman for Senator Max Baucus said the Montana Democrat
was in a romantic relationship with the woman he nominated
for U.S. attorney, the Associated Press reports.

It's Ok Max -Just keep fighting for health care reform -AND - Keep It Up!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Elin Woods To Attend Ora Sexl Boot Camp -For Tiger

"I blame myself completely for Tiger's extra marital transgressions" Mrs. Woods tearfully confessed to digibandit reporter Elise Mandelbaun.

"He was just dying for some great head -and i denied him"

"Was he getting it from his girlfriend" Asked Mandelbaum.

"Oh yes -he told me she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch"

"Why didn't you step up to the plate -so to speak?" asked Mandelbaum.

"Well his thing was so big and black - it just looks like some kinda snake and it scared me!"

Mrs. Woods went on;"But in Oral Boot Camp they teach you how to deal with these things

"I'm going to the same one that Hillary Clinton graduated from - and she said it saved her marriage - and Bill doesn't cheat around anymore-BUT she graduated at the HEAD of her class

"I hope i can do well and i'm gonna suck my heart out tryin!"

"Best of luck" said Mandelbaum "Just keep your head down and do your best"

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tiger Woods Fled Nagging Wife That Night

Tiger's next door neighbor's heard his wife screaming; "Go ahead run you coward! - humping your wife like a stallion takes a lot more courage than driving a golf ball three hundred yards! Doesn't it?"

Woods' next door neighbors -Moyna and Moishe Pipick said "She is always ragging on him to love her the way he does his golfing But Saturday night Tiger had had enough of her crap -and he ran out and jumped in his Caddy and screamed

" My Momma was right about not marrying a honky bitch! -And i wouldn't fuck you with my caddie's dick!"

Moishe Pipick exclaimed"I heard her screaming that the only hole he cares about is on a golf green -And -that he better give her some "Long Driving" or she was gonna fuck the pool boy to death~"

"And then he smashed into the fire hydrant"

Pipick went on"I mean- is that any way to talk to such a menchy guy like Tiger?"

"Menchy schmenchy!" said Monya Pipick -"If you were gone night and day and didn't take care of MY needs - I would fuck your cousin Manny withb the big schlonger1`"

Moishe asked Monya "What BIG Schlonger?"

"The one his wife Elise is always bragging about!"

Well - you can always rely on the neighbors when the Cops and the Media can't get to the heart of the matter.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fox Announced"Are Black Teens Smarter Than Chink Babies?"

Mike Darnell head of Fox TV programming has announced a follow up show to it's hugely successful "Are You Smarter Than A Five Year Old?"

"Are Black Teens Smarter Than Chink Babies?" follows on the heels of a new report from The National Education Institute which revealed that the math and reading skills of black American teenagers is at the Chinese pre- school level." That number is twenty percent for all teenagers and twenty five percent for Hispanics.

Doctor Moishe Pipick of the NEI said : "Chinese babies are significantly smarter than American teenagers and gaining rapidly on American adults --especially minorities." He went on,"American's are fast losing their ability to reason.Only ten percent read books or thoughtful periodicals or even engage in meaningful dialogue -- there lives are like a shitty sitcom."

He continued; "Our study shows conclusively that within ten years --black teenagers will be less intelligent than the grey parrot and that the average American's problem solving ability will be at the level of a three year old Chinese -- or five year old Indian child.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Recorded Case Of "Coyote Leg" Reported

A team of doctors from "Coyote Arm" International has confirmed that Manny Orbach from Bensonhurst in Brooklyn NYC - Chewed off a large chunk of his leg (which had to be subsequently amputated) -thinking it was his arm) when he awoke from a night of drunken revelry with Elise Mandelbaum draped across his body.

Mr. Orbach stated for the record; " I opened my eyes and when i saw it/her and i started to scream but was able to muffle it right away - THEN realizing how entangled we were -and in a complete state of panic and hysteria that i might awaken her/it - and be forced to engage it - I did the manly thing and went right for my arm - not realizing i was gnawing through my leg before it was too late"

He continued; "Fortunately i was able to extricate myself from under her and crawl away for help -and praise be to the lord that she was still zonked out enough that she didn't awaken - or i would have had to kill myself"

Moishe Pipick - president of World Wide Coyote Arm International praised Mr. Orbach for his courage -and said;

"Manny Orbach is a testimonial to the power and pride of ALL Men and we at WWCA are making sure he will receive the latest in prosthetic surgery and rehabilitation -and are awarding him The Coyote Arm (and now Leg) Legion of Honor -which carries a cash prize of one million dollars along with the many sponsor endorsements which are already coming his way"

He concluded; "However - we are not formally endorsing 'Coyote Leg" and recommend that you take a minute to get your bearings - take a deap breath -and go for the ARM!"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Worldwide "Coyote Arm" Gathering Draws Millions

Men -from around the world - who have chewed off their arm so as to not risk waking the "Beast" they found snuggled up next to them after a drunken night of partying - joined together in Basil Switzerland today -To celebrate their collegial honor and bravery -and to warn "Men Everywhere" of the potential consequences of "Drunken Passion".

Moishe Pipick - Leader of the UCAF (Universal Coyote Arm federation) - chosen for being the first man to chew off BOTH arms when he woke up with TWINS - who in his words. "Defied the theory of evolution" announced:

"Men who have lost an arm in the service of drunken passion - bear witness and testimony to our eternal weakness for "Drunken Pussy" and the price some of us must pay for the dignity of All men Everywhere!"

Mr. Pipick went on; "And while there has been an attempt by the women marching outside our gathering to establish a "Coyote Arm" organization of their own -we can see by the number of one armed women marching - that they have a limited following"

"And - we have it on good sources - that most of those one armed women were the victims of MEN who got their arms mixed up"

"And in conclusion" - said Pipick -"I am so proud to see the growing numbers of TWO ARM Coyote Men". -"It takes great courage to chew off both arms - And we salute them!"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Visa Announces "Shop Only" -Shop Til You Drop" Card

Want to get that "shopper's high" without actually spending a dime?

Get that special rush of Dopamine surging into your brain as you mainstream consumer consumption ?

Feel that special rush as the retailer swipes and bags your 'Junk" like a heroin addict in a shooting gallery?

Well - with Visa's "Shop Till You Drop" card you just pay a small fee --ten thousand dollars worth of "buy only" credits cost a paltry fifty bucks

And you high roller's can get up to one -hundred thousand dollars in credits for a paltry three hundred bucks.

So shop away! - You check out the goods just like you were actually buying them -- the clerk says thank you - and you leave without the merchandise, but aglow with that "special shoppers high" that really has nothing to do with needing or even wanting most of "the stuff" anyway.

And for a small extra fee the clerk will provide you with an assortment of boxes with the details of what you "shopped" so you can arrive at home and go over all your "shopped only purchases" with your family and friends - getting yet another " consumption fix" - for free - when you open them.

And -- you can give these "Shopped Only"gifts for any and all occasions - "Oh look what the Pipick's "Shopped" us for our housewarming." As your friend unwraps and reads the gift description - "A beautiful Tiffany bowl".

And the whole nature of consumerism will change - and life as we know it - and the social and political and economic and cultural impact will be staggering!

Remember - it's "The thought that counts" - so get your Visa "Shop Till You Drop" card -- get high - and change the world! --For peanuts!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Fox Tv Announces “Ten Drunken Dwarfs Farting”

“I can’t take credit for this hot new addition to our summer reality line-up” said Fox TV pres. Mike Schlocknell.

“This sure fire hit is the brain child of our very own Rupert Murdoch” he said at a press conference in LA today “You know – “Rup has always maintained that if you did a whole show with nothing but Dwarfs sittin around drinking and getting loaded –and farting” “You’ll have a hit TV show Schlocknell!”

“So – we did some focus groups and sure enough Rup was absolutely right – folks were peeing in their pants –and we should have trusted Rup’s instincts from the get go –because if anyone has a feel for this shit –it’s Rup!”

“Isn’t the preferred term these days Little People - won’t they and the audience be offended by the word “Dwarfs?” asked digibandit Hollywood bureau chief –Elise Mandelbaum.

“Nope!” said Schlocknell - “ Rupe was very clear about that and he told me; “Mike – we don’t want ANY Little Folks! - Make sure you use ONLY dwarfs!”

“Are they gonna have a focus to their drunken fart laden commentary?” asked Mandelbaum.

“Oh yeah!” answered Schlocknell – the theme for the first thirteen shows is “ Obama Is Acting Like A? ” – like “President Obama is Acting Like a Baby” - Or he’s acting like a Spoiled Black Kid - Or He’s Acting Like a Muslim” -You get the idea Elise dontcha? -All that crybaby flap he voiced about Fox news!”

“Yeah –that Ruppert Murdoch sure is a creative character –he’s even more creative than you are Mike!”

“Well Elise” – he replied -“The Jews don’t have ALL the creativity around here” (off microphone -“But you sure have got great tits!”)

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Mickey Mouse Becomes A Black "Pimp Mouse"

LOS ANGELES — For decades, the Walt Disney Company has largely kept Mickey Mouse frozen under glass, fearful that even the tiniest tinkering might tarnish the brand and upend his $5 billion or so in annual merchandise sales.

Now, however, concerned that Mickey has become more of a schmucky corporate symbol than a beloved character for recent generations of young people, Disney is taking the risky step of re-imagining him for the future as a Black "Pimp Mouse"

The first glimmer of this will be the introduction next year of a new video game, Epic Mickey, in which the formerly squeaky clean character can be cantankerous and cunning, as well as heroic, as he traverses a forbidding wasteland shtupping hot chics and killing white cops.

Moishe Pipick -head of Disney public relations said; " Let's face it -iwe are just a marketing moment away from parents suddenly realizing that their kids are using their Mickey Mouse shit as sex toys -I mean a fucking MOUSE invented in the forties for kids who spend ten hours a day with Grand Theft Auto?"

"I mean" - said Pipick - "the Mouse thing is cool - but it's gotta be "Pimped" for today's wacko kids"

Elise mandelbaum -digibandit entertainment reporter asked Pipick; "Well what the fuck about Goofy?"

"Excellent question Elise!" - "Goofy is being transformed -as we speak - into a cool rock star who runs a Medical Marijuana store in Venice Beach, California -and who also does porno movies."

"Wow! -said Mandelbaum -"Disney is really going for broke!"

"Yep" said Pippick - "And when you see Goofy you are gonna want to put those bodacious tata's of yours in his Goofy'mouth"



And at the same time, in a parallel but separate effort, Disney has quietly embarked on an even larger project to rethink the character’s personality, from the way Mickey walks and talks to the way he appears on the Disney Channel and how children interact with him on the Web — even what his house looks like at Disney World.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Fox Announces –Weekend at Bernie’s –With Ruth Madoff

Fox TV president Mike Schlocknell said today –in a press conference at the posh LA eatery - Morton’s ; “This is gonna be bigger than Idol!”

Think of it as “Weekend At Bernie’s” three ha ha ha - I mean we originally were gonna call it “Weekends With Bernie at Butner. NC Federal Detention Center” – But – this is so much hipper with it’s reference to those two iconic Bernie movies -and like them – this is kinda like a dark comedy “

He continued; ‘I met with Ruth Madoff (who bye the way is still kinda hot) and when she swept into Palm Beach last month to meet with me and discuss this show concept with a quintet of girlfriends, her $7,500 Birkin bag dangling, and with her husband’s 74-year-old sister, who was ruined by Bernie’s scam, who is now watering plants and driving people to the airport just to make ends meet:

I knew we had the beginnings of a winner!

I mean broken victims owed millions in her husband's suspected Ponzi scheme are fighting for pennies on the dollar, but Ruth Madoff says $62 million she squirreled away is none of their business.

Ruthy has an E. 64th St. apartment, valued at $7 million, as well as $45 million in municipal bonds controlled by Cohmad Securities and $17 million in a Wachovia account.

.Ruth Madoff has never been criminally charged in her husband's alleged fraud, but federal investigators continue to probe others who may have had a hand in a $50 billion Ponzi scheme that's been called the largest in the nation's history.”

Schlocknell continued:”And –she knows where ALL the bodies are buried! - Just think of the drama as she sits with Bernie –shows family videos – talks with Bernie’s two hated sons Mark and Andrew –– meets with the victims oye vey i'm having an an orgasm!”

He went on; 'And that stuff is only the beginning of the TV friendly stuff that's gonna GUSH from this show - I mean -this is the stuff that American;s DREAM of watching!"

Schlocknell concluded; "I mean - you talk about schadenfraude - There will be thirty million American's tuned into this show screaming -The fucking Jews finally got it up the ass! -Fuck em! - Look at these two fucking Hebes! - What a fucking Jewish Princess whore that Ruth Madoff is! - Look at that tan on that fucking Jew Madoff will ya! -

Get me another beer Martha! -And tell the kids to shut the fuck up- i can't here what she's saying!"

Russia Tied With Frazier Park CA. - In Alcohol Consumption

Russians consume roughly 4.75 gallons of pure alcohol a person annually, more than double the level that theWorld Health Organization considers a health threat. The consumption figure for the United States is about 2.3 gallons.

The country will have difficulty resolving its demographic crisis — its population is predicted to drop nearly 20 percent by 2050 — if it does not confront its alcohol problem. Life expectancy for Russian men is now 60 years, in part because of alcoholism.

Researchers studying mortality in three industrial cities in Siberia in the 1990s found that in several years, alcohol was the cause of more than half of all deaths of people ages 15 to 54, often from accidents, violence or alcohol poisoning, according to a report this year in The Lancet, a London-based medical publication.

The Public Chamber, a Kremlin advisory panel, has asserted that roughly 500,000 people die annually in Russia from causes directly related to or aggravated by alcohol.

But Frazier Park CA. Still leads in obesity and spousal and pet abuse.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fox Announces -Dead Relatives With God Videos

Yep -Fox is getting into the Educational Video biz and here's a sample of their first release "Say Hi To Grandpop Up In Heaven"(Grandmom's are next because they live longer) -which is flying off the shelves this holiday season:

Videos can be personalized as follows:

"High my darling grandchildren -This is Granpa Pipick speaking to you from heaven.

'It's so beautiful and peaceful here -and i'm sitting here with God playing a nice game of checkers - and God wants to say hi;

"Hi -this is god and the reason I'm sitting here with Grandpa Pipick playing checkers and sipping iced tea - instead of him roasting for all Eternity in Hell with the Devil -is because he was a good man and he worshipped me."

"So i want you to be very good and worship me blindly no matter how horrible life treats you or how stupid that seems -or you won't get up here and be with your good -God loving loved ones

"And if you're real bad - i might just send Grandpa Pipick down to Hell just to get even. - Now here's your Grandpa again"

"Now kids - you want me to go on living like a King up here in Heaven dontcha? -So don't fuck up and get me sent down with Grandma Pipick and Uncle Abe -in Hell!"

"And the production is so inexpensive" said Elise Mandelbaum President of Fox Video.

She stated; "The religious right loonies will buy these videos by the millions - we received ten thousand videos of grandparents from these nut cases just last week so we can edit them into the finished tapes before they croak"

"Or we can just send the generic version with fake heavenly voices (with provided info re Grandpa) as soon as we receive a deposit of $49.95"

"Hey! _ isn't there a whole new potential market here? -Messages from the dead kinda stuff?" asked digibandit Hollywood reporter Yonah Shimmel.

"heh heh" Laughed Mandelbaum "And a whole new reality show series is in the works:

"Afterlife" starring dead people - playing themselves before they died - Just as if they were still alive "

Fox rules! .

USA Should Offer Prisoners A Corporate BuyOut

OK -Your serving twenty five to life or life without parole (or maybe even apply to ALL sentences?) -AND -have we got a deal for you!

We will pay your designated recipient thirty thousand dollars (tax free) - AND you will get one month at the National Prisoner Pleasure Retreat (NPPS) - located on what the Feds are calling "Eagle Island"

Think of the Eagles great song "Hotel California" with those haunting lyrics 'You can check out but you never leave'

At the conclusion of their one month stay - warm in the glow of the most georgeous and sensuous pleasure providers Uncle Sam can provide (even some female inmate hotties who will get sentence reductions for their service) - And "High as a kite bye now" (as Elton John put it):

An official slips some junk in their martini and it's painlessly over!

The good ole USA taxpayer saves 40k (ave.yearly cost for incarceration) times the number of years the prisoner would have been supported behind bars.

His poor family gets a nice bit of change.

And he goes out with a bang

Hey - It's no different than corporations who offer buyouts -and save billions - to their old and washed up employees:

EXCEPT for the stay on "Eagle Island" which is an awfully nice bonus -and:

One that i'm willing to bet most corporate buyout victims would grab in a minute if Uncle Sam stepped up to the plate with the corporations! - AND - the government would save a ton on Social Security payments. (i mean they do get the martini dessert if they accept the added option) -Options! -Just like with Medicare

"You Can check-out but you never leave"

Another breakthrough concept from the digibandit!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Even Halloween Sucks In American Schools

A memo about costume appropriateness sent home recently by Riverside Drive’s (LA) principal made the following points:

¶They should not depict gangs or horror characters, or be scary.

¶Masks are allowed only during the parade.

¶Costumes may not demean any race, religion, nationality, handicapped condition or gender.

¶No fake fingernails.

¶No weapons, even fake ones.

¶Shoes must be worn.

Joel Bishoff’s children will make the cut at Riverside Drive. His second grader will be Dorothy (not the witch!) from “The Wizard of Oz,” while his fifth-grade son will wear a costume depicting a box of Wheaties.

And then young Moishe Bishoff will go home and jump on his xbox -assume the role of a black teenage gang banger - and start slaughtering cops and old ladies for four hours.

His sister Sarah will be up in her room watching "Girls Gone Bad" while she revs up her vibrator -and Mom will be in the kitchen washing down her Xanax with a Martini while watching "Desperate Housewives of Whore Valley" -and Dad is late because he's out fucking his assistant.

So shove the Wheaties and Carrots costumes up your local school board's assholes -and get with the program.

It's Rome 500 AD baby - way to late for Goofy and Mickey Mouse - Everyday is Halloween in this fun house of a country -and you don't NEED a costume.

Happy Halloweeny!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Vulture Compared to A Predatory Catholic Priest

i wouldn't cornhole a kid
if i could fly i would fuck Vultures
 i wouldn't fuck a Priest with your cock
 i wish you were ten years old my dear

Vultures  eat rotting flesh and defend themselves by projectile vomiting at their enemies. Throw in the fact that that they can fly, can grow to have wing spans of close to 6 feet, and grunt and hiss like giant snakes when they feel threatened, and you have an animal fashioned from the nightmares of Edgar Allen Poe, as directed by Tim Burton, in a very bad mood.

Toss in the popular notion that you only see these things when you’re alone, near death, somehow stuck walking alone through a dessert, and we’re pretty much talking about the opposite of a butterfly here.

Consider these vulture fun facts: (Spoiler alert- they are not fun).

- a vulture can eat a diseased corpse of an animal, and through its digestive system, the disease will be rendered neutral, that is to say, the vulture’s poop will be clean. Which is nice.

- the vomit of a vulture has more acidic content than acid rain, and if its incredible stench doesn’t scare away its predator, the vomit contacting the skin will actually burn it.

- vultures urinate on themselves as a method of cooling their skin and destroying bacteria that may have gotten on them while feeding on a dying, diseased animal. Sure, they could be more careful about eating, but then they wouldn't have the need to pee on themselves.

- a vulture will often begin eating an animal corpse at its anus or at its eyes. Why? Because in most cases, that is where the dead animal is most vulnerable. So, ah, take that, other animals who think they’re creepy- I’m talking to YOU- eels, tapeworms and ticks.

- vultures can smell a dead mouse under leaves at 200 feet in the sky. To put that in perspective, consider that if milk smells bad, you know immediately to not put it in your coffee- the vulture would be all like “ah, no, it’s the other way around.”

But -Remember this -A Vulture unlike a homo priest -will not fuck a nine year old Altar Boy in the tuchas.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pope Tells Africans To Stop Fucking

On his way to Africa last month, he said the best strategy is the church's effort to promote sexual responsibility through abstinence and monogamy. -No condoms allowed! -No sport fucking!

"Hey you dysfunctional folks out there on the Dark Continent - i know your'e having trouble not chopping up everyone in sight -and you make a dollar a day - and your'e hot and dirty - and you have no toilet paper or TV or radio or socks -or even drugs -and there are flies eating up your eyeballs:

"But i -Your'e Pope - don't have a cock -so don't worry about getting laid -- i hear it's very messy!"

'If you absolutely have to stick your biga blacka dicka in something -find a young boy -lika my priests."

That Pope is quite a guy!

But they ain't listening - here's the latest statement from The Black Bishops (who would fuck any altar boy that's not armed or has advanced stage leprosy)

"The bishops did not veer from Vatican policy opposing the use of condoms to prevent the spread of H.I.V. and AIDS. “The problem cannot be overcome by the distribution of prophylactics,” they wrote. Instead, they urged abstinence among the unmarried and fidelity among the married. “Such a course of action not only offers the best protection against the spread of this disease but is also in harmony with Christian morality,” they wrote."

These guys are from another fucking planet!