xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Mar 8, 2019

Friday, March 08, 2019

RIP TRUMP! - The death of a miserable lying worthless human being

RIP King Schmuck

There was a fool king named of tRUMP
a liar a con man -and chump
the rabble adored him along with the seedy
the rich and the stupid and of course all the greedy

So surrounded by jerks and foul ghouls
incompetent swine and ignorant tools

It soon came to bear
the breath of foul aire
And discord did spread through the land

But it soon came to pass

His lies and mean rants
the preposterous chants
Could no longer thrill
No longer entrance

His babbly babel -his lying and lies
had lost all it's clout
Power now lost from
this Swine and complete lout

He ate and he ate
and he watched his fox news!

SO Alone in his tower
bereft of all power
He realized the saddest of news!

A sick schmoozer and loser
a fate worse than death!

He drank one more Cola
And blew his last breath.