xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Jul 13, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mormon's Have Best Conversion Story -Jews Have The Worst

The Mormons are converting wide eyed believers all over the Globe -Yep the poor illiterate third world folks are eating up the Moronic tale concocted by their snake oil salesman founder Joe (the cousin humper) Smith like candy. -They are the fastest growing religion  which only proves:

 That  the Christians had a great thing going with Christ and redemption BUT -you add some Golden Tablets and Indian Tribes to the mix and wealthy scrubbed  Mormon Missionary kids like young Mitt Romney with all that zeal oozing out of their stupified faces and those shiny shoes - and wammo!

Now as far as converting wide eyed indiginous sinners The Jews come in last for three reasons:

One -they don't want you -they are the chosen people
two - too many rules and you have to be able to read and reason
three- no heaven

Now as far as the Ism's are concerned Buddhism and Hinduism and Taoism -they did well in the East where real "Spirituality" resides BUT while you they were focusing on Dharma and Karma and Enlightenment and The Eight Fold Path -along comes the crazy Japs and Chinks and Gooks and steals all their shit which sets them back (and mostly they just don't give a shit because they have found their inner unconditioned consciousness -so fuck everything else!)

Now -The Muslims had EVERYTHING for a long time:

One - Redemption and Eternal Paradise and you don't have to read anything
two -unlimited hot pussy in Paradise
three - you convert or they fucking cut off your head

BUT - well - how's that working out for them now?

Yep -The Future belongs to The Mormons which is pretty fucking bleak - BUT -at least you get to fuck your sisters and brothers in a pinch.

Fox Tv announces "Ten Drunken Farting Dwarfs"

“I can’t take credit for this hot new addition to our summer reality line-up” said Fox TV pres. Mike Schlocknell.

“This sure fire hit is the brain child of our very own Rupert Murdoch” he said at a press conference in LA today “You know – “Rup has always maintained that if you did a whole show with nothing but Dwarfs sittin around drinking and getting loaded –and farting” “You’ll have a hit TV show Schlocknell!”

“So – we did some focus groups and sure enough Rup was absolutely right – folks were peeing in their pants –and we should have trusted Rup’s instincts from the get go –because if anyone has a feel for this shit –it’s Rup!”

“Isn’t the preferred term these days Little People - won’t they and the audience be offended by the word “Dwarfs?” asked digibandit Hollywood bureau chief –Elise Mandelbaum.
“Nope!” said Schlocknell - “ Rupe was very clear about that and he told me; “Mike – we don’t want ANY Little Folks! - Make sure you use ONLY dwarfs!”

“Are they gonna have a focus to their drunken fart laden commentary?” asked Mandelbaum.

“Oh yeah!” answered Schlocknell – The theme for the first season is;  "The  Romney's are Androids -Let's get Drunk and Fart on Them!"

“Yeah –that Ruppert Murdoch sure is a creative character –he’s even more creative than you are Mike!”

“Well Elise” – he replied -“The Jews don’t have ALL the creativity around here” (off microphone -“But you sure have got great tits!”)