xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Anne Romney Only Has Vagina In Common With..

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anne Romney Only Has Vagina In Common With..

99.9% of American women whether they work OR Stay at home -let alone most women who work AND raise their kids and manage their households with little or no help from their husbands.

Her husband is worth 400 million dollars!

Her kids have tutors and nannies and Chauffeurs and go to  safe schools in safe neighborhoods and exist in a totally pampered and privileged cocoon 24/7.

Her biggest concern is how to travel to their luxurious vacation homes and resorts without having to put up with their Dog INSIDE the car.

  1. (Ann Romney laughed while explaining that Seamus, the dog once owned by the Romney family, “loved” traveling on top of the family car.)

Oh -any of you own a $500,000 Drissage Horse?

Truth is -even her Vagina is different -it's gotta be from all those long soaks in bath oils and bubbles that cost more than your hubbie makes in a month - OH -and you know Mitty ain't goin down there so why does she care anyway.

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