xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Fox Announces "Desperate Gulf Coast Women"

Monday, June 07, 2010

Fox Announces "Desperate Gulf Coast Women"

Mike (the midget) Darnhell -Prexy of Fox Reality Tv said today:

"Those redneck hottie housewives down in the Gulf Coast and Florida Panhandle have always been on our minds in terms of a "Desperate Housewives" type program -But - now! -It's just gotta happen!"

He went on: "These women will fuck a snake while their hubbies are out catching crawfish or alligators or pelicans or whatever USED to swim out in those waters - under pre BP conditions (we like to say BBP or ABP -kinda gives it a biblical twist) --heh heh heh!"

Darnhell continued; "But now with their kids using tar balls for beach toys and their husbands broke and shitfaced all the time --the whole place is like one big housewife whorehouse!"

"Anyway the show is gonna be kickass powerful -and it's not just about these "Oil Widows" heh heh - i thought up that one:

"This show is gonna exhibit the deep down cultural impact of an Oil Spill on the sexual habits of horny redneck housewives AND their oily families"

He concluded; "Here at Fox TV we care about the environment and all them destroyed critters and all that hot oil -But -let's never forget:

"The Desperate Gulf Coast Housewives" -and THEIR Hot OIl!"

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