xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'. The Digibandit: Romney Voters! - Creationists -Low IQ - Large BMI - Low Education and Income

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Romney Voters! - Creationists -Low IQ - Large BMI - Low Education and Income

It's amazing! Here's this perfectly handsome wealthy perfectly groomed whitey white man with two degrees from Harvard who is worth 200 million bucks and a hero of the financial barons and:

He loses virtually every fucking state except the Confederate South and Texas and Utah and a few other Redneck states -ALL dominated by fat ignorant Christian White folks.

Their IQ is 20% lower than the national average -their body mass indexes correlate to those morons you see screaming on "The price is Right" - and they are in the lower percentiles in terms of education and income!

What explains this? Look at Romney and his wife and kids and tell me how that could possibly be?

Here's the answer  - 

They are ignorant Racist Morons

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